Issue 10 - 15th November 2024
Dear Families,
Another week of our pop-up pool! I hope the children are really enjoying this opportunity to learn to swim. After the sessions are complete, it would be great to gather your feedback about this. Year 4 had their trip to the cinema this week. I am sure they told parents all about it and hope the rest of the school are looking forward to their trip in the coming weeks. Please ensure children are only bringing healthy snacks to eat at the cinema (the same as they would for break time at school).
A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to a wonderful open evening – our staff for putting on beautiful displays and our fabulous Year 6 ambassadors who were a real credit to us on the evening showing parents round confidently and demonstrating to prospective families all that is good at Almond Hill.
In this week’s newsletter, there are a few opportunities for you to provide feedback and suggestions for things. Please do try to do this as we really do use your feedback to help make positive changes to our school.
Have a lovely weekend!
Emma Fordham
Key Messages
Parking Around School
I am disappointed to report we received several complaints last week from local residents in regard to the way parents are parking when dropping or collecting their children. I completely understand how difficult it is to park around the school and can see that this causes problems for parents. When our school increased in size, the drop off facility was put in but with such few spaces this hasn’t helped as much as we would have liked. On the flip side however our neighbours should be able to access their houses and driveways without obstruction. Some residents have sent photos of the obstructive and/or dangerous parking and I must inform parents that my advice to these people is to report to the police and/or local council.
As a school team, we have talked on many occasions about ways we can improve the parking situation both for our parents and our neighbours but we are struggling with a solution. We have invited traffic wardens to the school at our busiest times, met with a local councillor and contacted the local police but we are now asking for your help. Do you have any suggestions on how we can help ease the congestion outside school? Please leave your comments below. We understand many people are frustrated and the reasons why so please only complete the form if you are able to provide suggestions.
Parent Survey
Parent Survey
As you know, we are always looking at ways to improve our school and your feedback is invaluable in helping us to do this. Please can you take the time to complete the survey below to give your feedback on different aspects of school life. There is a section for you to add your child's name if you would like a response from school. Please only use this if you are hoping to hear from me, as previously, some people got phone calls who weren't expecting them.
Communicating with Parents Through Seesaw
As mentioned on a recent newsletter, the admin team have been discussing communication methods and how we can reach more parents. Currently, we use email, phone, our newsletter, Facebook and our website. We have decided to trial using Seesaw’s announcement function to send reminders of upcoming events/deadlines. You hopefully saw the first announcement which was sent on Wednesday this week regarding Christmas card designs. We were able to see how quickly this was being viewed by parents and think this will be a good way to communicate.
If you do not have access to Seesaw, please enter your details below and we will connect you with your child’s journal.
School Photos
Please be reminded, THE DEADLINE FOR FREE DELIVERY TO SCHOOL IS: WEDNESDAY 20TH NOVEMBER 2024. Any orders placed after the set deadline will be subject to postage & packaging charges with delivery direct to your home address. For any issues regarding Online Ordering Access Codes, please contact the office.
Reverse Advent Calendar
Year 5 are going to be leading a community action project very soon! This will be a reverse advent calendar. This involves giving items (rather than receiving them) to those who need them during the run up to Christmas. Year 5 will explain a lot more next week but we wanted to give parents as much notice as possible! If you are able to, please start to collect and bring items in to your child's classroom that you would like to donate to Foodshed- a local Stevenage food bank. These items must last until Christmas so no fresh produce please and watch this space for more information next week too!
School Improvement Plan
Please see a summary of our most up to date school improvement plan.
You can download a copy to view here
Objectives 2023-24 based on school self- evaluation: July 2023 Yr3-6 assessment outcomes, evaluation of school improvement actions 22/23, consultation with staff and governors, feedback from pupils and parents, May 2021 Ofsted, Attendance data 2022-2023 and external visits
Objective |
Link to Ofsted RAG rated summary |
1. |
To continue to develop the leadership and management of the school to maintain overall good effectiveness and progress to secure outstanding effectiveness with a focus on provision for SEND and governance and continue to expand upon staff subject knowledge |
Leadership and Management/Overall Effectiveness Staff knowledge and overall progress of provision for SEND and governance has improved significantly acknowledged by the School Effectiveness Advisor in reports. The SENCO has supported all staff to expand upon their knowledge and governors have committed to visits to ensure accountability. There will remain a focus on SEND provision next year within a wider focus on all vulnerable learners. |
2. |
To provide a curriculum that empowers children and equips them with secure skills and knowledge that build progressively across the key stage and prepares them for the next stage in their education. There will continue be a specific focus on the core subjects especially writing and a new focus on curriculum planning and accurate assessment in foundation subjects. |
Quality of Education/Leadership and Management Attainment and progress in maths and reading is secure. Writing remains a focus for next year. There has been significant progress in curriculum planning and assessment in foundations subjects. Subject leaders will continue to work on this next year. |
3. |
To embed ‘The Climb’ behaviour for learning strategy including a focus on the importance of excellent attendance and to further develop retention and recall teaching strategies to ensure children maximise opportunities to learn and make progress through engagement. To develop a strategy for physical and mental resilience and strength. |
Leadership and Management/Behaviour and Attitudes/Personal Development/Overall Effectiveness There has been significant progress with embedding ‘the Climb’ behaviour for learning strategy. Attendance has improved and is broadly in line with national data and lower than national data for persistent absentees. Retention and recall teaching strategies are embedded in practice across the school. Physical and mental well- being has been a priority and engagement highly commended by Stevenage Sporting Futures as well as achieving the Gold Mark Active accreditation. Attendance will remain a focus next year within a wider focus of all vulnerable learners. |
2024-2025 Summary of Objectives
Objectives 2024-25 based on school self- evaluation: July 2024 Yr3-6 assessment outcomes, evaluation of school improvement actions 23/24, consultation with staff and governors, feedback from pupils and parents, May 2021 Ofsted, Attendance data 2023-2024 and external visits.
Key Priority 1 |
Key Priority 2 |
Key Priority 3 |
Objectives |
Objectives |
Objectives |
To support vulnerable learners/disadvantaged groups to ensure progress and achievement including those with SEND and in receipt of PPG with a focus on attendance and provision.
To develop and improve oracy and writing across the school to ensure children can articulate themselves effectively both verbally and in writing.
Continue to develop foundation curriculum and subject leadership to ensure a broad, balanced, progressive, well planned, delivered and assessed curriculum that meets the needs of the pupils at our school
Diary Dates
Did you know, you can subscribe to our calendar to keep up to date with the events going on within the school?
Follow the link below, select 'subscribe' and follow the instructions for your device.
Upcoming Events
Club End Dates and Collection Points
If you are viewing this on a mobile device, you may need to turn your phone to view the table correctly.
Club | Times | Dates | Collection Point |
Reading Fluency Y4 | Monday 3:15 - 4:15pm | 04 Nov 2024 - 27 Jan 2025 | 4W |
Reading Fluency Y5 | Monday 3:15 - 4:15pm | 04 Nov 2024 - 27 Jan 2025 | 5W |
WB Football Club 3/4 | Monday 3:15 -4:15pm | 04 Nov 2024 - 16 Dec 2024 | Year 5 gate (St Nicks church) |
Y6 Booster Classes - Maths | Mondays 3:15 - 4:30pm | 04 Nov 2024 - 31 Mar 2025 | Acorn House |
French Club | Tuesday 3:15 - 4:15pm | 17 Sep 2024 - 26 Nov 2024 | 4W |
Netball Club | Tuesday 3:15 - 4:15pm | 17 Sep 2024 - 26 Nov 2024 | Year 5 gate (St Nicks church) |
Cooking Club | Tuesday 3:15 - 4:15pm | 24 Sep 2024 - 19 Nov 2024 | The Computing Room |
WB Football Club 5/6 | Tuesdays 3:15 - 4:15pm | 05 Nov 2024 - 17 Dec 2024 | Year 5 gate (St Nicks church) |
Y6 Booster Classes- Reading | Tuesdays 3:15 - 4:30pm | 13 Nov 2024 - 11 Dec 2024 | Acorn House |
Stop Frame Animation | Wednesday 3:!5 - 4:15pm | 25 Sep 2024 - 20 Nov 2024 | 3L |
Dance Club | Wednesday 3:15 - 4:15pm | 18 Sep 2024 - 18 Dec 2024 | The Hall |
Mad Science Club | Wednesday 3:15 - 4:15pm | 18 Sep 2024 - 27 Nov 2024 | 3W |
Y6 Football Club (squad only) | Wednesdays 3:15 - 4:15pm | 13 Nov 2024 - 11 Dec 2024 | Year 5 gate (St Nicks church) |
Y6 Booster Classes - SPaG | Wednesdays 3:15 - 4:30pm | 06 Nov 2024 - 02 Apr 2025 | Acorn House |
Gymnastic Club 5/6 | Thursday 3:15 - 4:15pm | 24 Oct 2024 - 28 Nov 2024 | The Hall |
Outdoor Activities Club 3/4 | Thursday 3:15-4:15pm | 19 Sep 2024 - 28 Nov 2024 | Year 5 classroom |
Outdoor Activities Club 5/6 | Friday 3:15 - 4:15pm | 20 Sept 2024 - 29 Nov 2024 | Year 5 classroom |
Gymnastic Club 3/4 | Friday 3:15-4:15pm | 25 Oct 2024 - 29 Nov 2024 | The Hall |
Pre-Loved Uniform Sale
Pre-loved uniform sales take place monthly in the hall 3.00-3.30pm.
Thursday 5th December
50p Book Sale
Change of date
If your child would like to purchase a book, please can they bring their money to school with them (exact money is preferred where possible). Books cost just 50p each!
Wednesday 4th December
SEND/Pastoral Parent Meetings
Thursday 21st November 2.30-3.15pm.
Attendance Matters
Year 3 96.38%
Year 4 96%
Year 5 96.39%
Year 6 97.91%
All Students 96.68%
Class Winners 3B 99.2% and 6S 100%
Almond Hill Achievements
Click the button below to see all the wonderful things our children have achieved outside of school.
House Points

FOAH News...
Next meeting date: between 6:00pm and 6:30pm on 25th November
Microsoft Teams Need help?
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 349 286 564 89
Passcode: nrhzWo
Christmas Present Room – 10th December
The Friends of Almond Hill Elves have been busy getting everything ready for the Christmas present room and have a lovely selection of gifts for everyone on the nice list this year. The Present Room will be taking place on Tuesday 10th December during the school day and we have gifts for everyone on your shopping list, from siblings to grandparents and pets!
- Gifts can be purchased in advance on School Gateway until 3rd December or cash will be accepted on the day.
- All gifts are £2.50 should your child wish to shop with us.
In Other News….
The Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) Visit
Unfortunately, this visit had to be cancelled this week for reasons out of our control however this will be rearranged for the coming weeks. We will keep you posted.
Scholastic Book Club
Your Autumn Digital Book Club is here! It’s quick and easy to browse and shop the fantastic selection online by following the link below:
Year 4 Cinema Trip
Year 4 had a fantastic trip to the cinema on Wednesday morning to see Kung Fu Panda 4. All of the children had a great time; they were polite, well-behaved and good representatives for our school. Quotes on the walk home included "I loved that film so much!" and "It was a really good film and it had a message for us at the end."
The staff would like to thank our amazing parent helpers and all of the other parents who volunteered to help as well - it is so appreciated by all of us. Our thanks also goes to Miss Simmons for securing our tickets!
Anti Bullying Week
This week has been Anti-Bullying Week 2024. This year's theme was 'Choose Respect' which fits in perfectly with our school value for November - Respect! We watched a lesson by the BBC and the Anti-Bullying alliance which helped us learn about playing fairly, working together, respecting one another and how to deal with conflict. Lots of us spent Autumn 1 thinking about friendships and relationships so we enjoyed sharing and furthering what we had learnt so far.
Here are some comments from Y3 about what they learnt in their lesson:
"If someone is unkind to you tell the teacher or a grown up and don't be unkind back"- Ruby
"Bullying is not acceptable we should never do it, if you get in an argument take a minute out and then come back and say sorry"- Oliver
Football Update
Almond Hill football team continued their excellent start to the season and followed up last weeks win with their second victory winning 6-0 against St Margaret Clitherow on Wednesday. Every player had a good game and Jack (hat-trick), Louie, Rocco and Ezra all found themselves on the scoresheet. It was great to see some selfless play and the boys working hard for each other. Well done and long may it last Almond Hill!! ⚽️
Year 5 Growth Mindset
Year 5 were lucky enough to have some wellbeing sessions with Doug from SSFT on Thursday morning. The sessions focused on how being active can support physical and mental wellbeing. The children learnt about the science behind exercise and positive mental health, learn even more about resilience (which built on our PSHE lessons) and even had a go at some active breaks and teamwork games. Doug visits many different schools and said how impressed he was with the year 5's engagement and behaviour- well done everyone and a massive thank you to Doug!