Our school is committed to the safety of all pupils and staff. All of our children have the right to be safe and happy at school and it is our aim to make them feel that way every day when they come to school.
All adults working in school are subject to DBS clearance and appointments follow the school’s safer recruitment policy. All staff receive regular safeguarding training and ‘safeguarding’ is on the agenda for all staff meetings. Keeping children safe is at the heart of what we do every day and we aim to be vigilant and pro-active to ensure our children feel secure and our practice is effective. The governing body has appointed a governor to regularly monitor all of the school’s safeguarding procedures. Copies of safeguarding policies can be found in the 'Policies' section of the website.

Deputy DSL
Deputy DSL

Deputy DSL
We will be happy to discuss any questions or concerns parents/carers may have about our child protection policy and practice. The appointed governor for child protection and safeguarding is Claire Lanni.
If there are concerns about a child’s welfare we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies. We will ensure that any concerns about a child are discussed with parents/carers first, unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child's welfare.
At Almond Hill we actively support action to counter radicalism and extremism through the government’s Prevent strategy.
'Together we can tackle child abuse' - Department for Education
The DFE has launched a campaign: “Together, we can tackle child abuse” to remind everyone of the need to share concerns they might have about children and young people. Click on the link below to learn more about the campaign.
Click the 'button' below to be taken to our policies page where you can view our safeguarding policies. You can also view the government's policy, Keeping Children Safe in Education.
How can you as parents/carers help us to be effective with safeguarding?
We welcome parent/carer support in the following ways:-
- Letting us know if you have an issue or concern that you have noticed regarding safety or the welfare of your child or our pupils.
- Informing the office before 9.00am if your child is going to be absent.
- Informing us of any changes in address/contacts and providing us with two emergency contact details.
- Informing us of any medical/dietary changes for your child.
- Attending 'Parent Forums' so we can hear your views.
- Making sure where possible you walk to school rather than drive – this helps to reduce congestion.
- Using the pedestrian entrances appropriately so you avoid crossing the drop off zone.
- Using the’ drop off zone’ as requested.
- Not arriving or sending your child before 8.45am – the playground is not supervised at this time.
- Letting us know if you are delayed and coming into the school main entrance to sign your child out when you arrive to collect them.
- If you are late for any reason bringing your child into school yourself and signing them in.
Useful Links
The NSPCC is the UK's leading children's charity, preventing abuse and helping those affected to recover.
Families Feeling Safe
Formerly Action for Children, Hertfordshire Protective Behaviours Training, For parents, carers, children and professionals.
Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline.
If you are experiencing domestic abuse, the SADA Domestic Abuse service can support you.
If you are homeless, or about to be homeless then you may be eligible for help, contact SBC for more information.
A range of groups that can support you.
Advice for parents and those who work with young people about County Lines gangs.
Find top tips and advice on all aspects of children’s emotional and physical health, from keeping kids active and eating well, to building their confidence and equipping them to cope with specific health issues.
Gaming: What parents and carers need to know.
Coming to School Safely
There are over 300 children arriving and leaving our school every day. Children in year 6 may ride a bike to school without an adult if they have passed their cycling proficiency. They must wear a bike helmet when cycling to school, we do have a bike shed on site. Children in the lower school must be accompanied whatever mode of transport you choose.
In the interests of the safety of all our children, we expect you to observe the parking restrictions when dropping off or collecting your child in a car. Please can you make your child aware that the raised area outside of the school is not a pedestrian crossing. At the end of the day the school gate area is very busy.
Year 3 and 4 wait at their classes to be collected. Class teachers in year 5 and 6 walk their children to parents waiting at the gate. If parents are delayed children must return to the office to wait to be collected. Children should NEVER wait on their own at the gate at the end of the day.
If you park in the ‘drop off’ zone at the end of the day it must be in one of the marked bays. You may not park on the access roadway around these spaces. Adults who park in one of the allocated parking spaces at the end of the day need to get out of their cars and walk to collect their child. The ‘drop off’ area is for vehicle entrance/exit only NOT for pedestrian use. I am sure like me; you wish to keep our children as safe as possible. I hope the guidelines are clear enough for all parents/carers to follow. If you have any queries or concerns about the use of the drop off, please contact me.
If you are driving to school, please park safely and in line with restrictions. Please also show respect to our neighbours in adjacent roads so their access is not restricted by inconsiderate parking.
Please supervise younger children in and around the school entrances and if you are waiting outside of classrooms. The main gates are automatic. Sometimes younger children are not supervised and are allowed to climb onto the gates and handrails and run around near the vehicle entrance. KEEP CLEAR OF THESE GATES AND ENSURE YOUNG CHILDREN STAY CLOSE TO PARENTS AND ARE PROPERLY SUPERVISED.
Breakfast Club Drop off
If your child attends breakfast club, please ensure that you walk them to the door. It is not appropriate to let them walk unaccompanied from the main entrance.
Operation Encompass
Operation Encompass is the notification to schools, prior to the start of the next school day, of incidents where and when a child or young person has experienced or been exposed to any domestic abuse.
Operation Encompass will ensure that a member of the school staff, (DSL) known as a Key Adult, is trained to allow them to liaise with the police and to use the information that has been shared in confidence. Whilst also ensuring that the school is able to make provision for possible difficulties experienced by children, or their families, who have been experienced a domestic abuse
We are keen to offer the best support possible to all our pupils and we believe this will be extremely beneficial for all those involved.