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Therapeutic Thinking Hertfordshire Steps

Therapeutic Thinking Hertfordshire Steps is the local authority’s preferred approach to supporting positive behaviour management in schools and settings. The Therapeutic Thinking Steps approach forms part of the authority’s behaviour strategy. It has been agreed through the SEND Executive and forms part of Hertfordshire’s Local Offer.

What is Therapeutic Thinking Hertfordshire Steps?

Therapeutic Thinking Hertfordshire Steps is a therapeutic approach to positive behaviour management and is already well established in many of our education settings and services. The Therapeutic Thinking Steps approach is based on the following principles:

  • shared focus on inclusion of all children and young people within their educational settings
  • a shared set of values and beliefs
  • open and shared communication
  • a shared commitment to diversion and de-escalation
  • shared risk management
  • shared reparation, reflection and restoration

Staff at the school receive regular training updates from Hertfordshire County Council and our staff fully believe in the benefits a therapeutic approach brings to the wellbeing of our children and staff alike.  We have even offered coaching to our parents to encourage the principles to be used at home. Please look out for more opportunities to join us for future workshops.

With therapeutic thinking there is a focus on equity and not equality and we very much believe in giving children what they 'need' to learn. This is often linked to them feeling 'pro social and happy' and sometimes additional work is required to achieve this. 

This wall was on our school grounds was painted during Summer 2020

School Rules

We have very few rules and those we do have are concerned chiefly with safety, the happiness of the child and preparing for life in society.

We expect children to follow our rules:

  • We are silent when the teacher is talking.
  • We follow instructions immediately.
  • We let others get on with their work.
  • We respect each other.
  • We are safe

Our aim is to help children achieve self-discipline. Children are expected to be polite and respect other people’s views and their belongings. Good behaviour is recognised and praised. Breaches of behaviour are dealt with firmly and fairly through a clear policy of procedures which are published in all classes. We follow the Hertfordshire Therapeutic Thinking approach to behaviour. Bullying, either verbal or physical, which intends to threaten or intimidate is not acceptable at Almond Hill. The school’s anti-bullying policy is published on the school website. Also, available from the school office are the school’s policies for promoting race equality and equal opportunities. 

Whilst children get on well and play co-operatively, there are times when they have disputes or things go wrong, and they need adult support at play times. Peer mediators who help younger pupils manage minor conflict are trained in Year 5 supported by Mrs Small and Mrs Hewitt. 

Our team of teaching assistants are there to help any child who has a particular problem. In addition, the school has a supervised Friendship Room that any child may access if they are feeling lonely or have had a fall out with their friends. This is supervised by a member of our pastoral support team.

We appreciate that for some children they may find it difficult to express concerns, particularly when they are new to us.  Therefore, each class has a ‘worry box’ where children may post any concern.  They are checked regularly by the class teacher and issues discussed in class.

Children may need some additional support to manage their behaviour. In this case a member of our pastoral support team may work with your child in partnership with you.

Just like English and maths and the foundation subjects we teach, behaviour is something that needs be taught. At Almond Hill, we believe it is important to teach children about the positive and negative consequences of behaviour as part of their endeavours to become 'top of the hill'.   Being 'Top of the Hill' means that you are trying to be the best you can be both in your learning but also as a positive and valued contributor to the Almon Hill community. As such, we have a planned behaviour curriculum which can be seen below:

For our policies relating to behaviour, please click the link below to be taken to our polices page.