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Forms - including consent and medical


Please ensure you have read the information in the links below and shared this with your child before updating your consent on the Arbor Parent Portal.

Image Consent - Terms of Use

Almond Hill Junior School Image and Video Consent v1

Occasionally, we take photographs of the children at our school. We may use these images in our school prospectus or in other printed publications that we produce, in displays and on our website. We may also make video or webcam recordings for school-to-school conferences, monitoring or other educational use.

We also send images to the news media, or our school may be visited by the media who will take their own photographs or film footage (for example, of a visiting dignitary or other high profile event). Pupils will often appear in these images. The news media may use the images in printed publications (including local or national newspapers), on televised news programmes or on their website. They then store them in their archive. They may also syndicate the photos to other media for possible use, either in printed publications, on websites, or both. When we submit photographs and information to the media, we have no control on when, where, if or how they will be used.

To comply with the general data protection regulations and data protection law, we need your permission before we can photograph or make any recordings of your child.

Conditions of use:

  • Please write to the school if you wish to withdraw consent at any time.
  • The images we take will be of activities that show the school and children in a positive light.
  • Indecent, inappropriate, or sensitive images will not be deliberately taken. The images will not be associated with negative or sensitive issues.
  • We may use group or class photographs or footage with very general labels e.g. ‘science lesson’.
  • We will only use images of pupils who are suitably dressed.
  • There may be times when we create videos in school that include your child's voice and  we may like to add these to our website, use them in our newsletters or share them with parents.
  • We will make every effort to ensure that we do not allow images to be taken of any children for whom we do not have permission or who are ‘at risk’ or disallowed from having their photographs taken for legal or social reasons.
  • We will take all reasonable measures to ensure the images are used solely for the purposes for which they are intended. However we cannot guarantee this and take no responsibility for the way images are used by other websites or publishers or for any consequences arising from publication.

 Please note that websites can be viewed throughout the world and not just in the United Kingdom where UK law applies. In giving your consent you understand that images may be used in printed and electronic form.

Last reviewed - September 2022

Home School Agreement

Almond Hill Junior School – Home School Agreement

 The School Will:

· Provide a balanced education to meet your child’s individual needs.
 · Ensure your child is given every opportunity to achieve their full potential as a valued member of the school community.
· Monitor your child’s progress and achievements and provide opportunities for you to discuss your child’s progress and achievements.
· Set and monitor all home learning following the school home learning policy.
· Provide a safe, friendly and caring learning environment.
· Encourage and expect high standards of behaviour.
· Listen to the views of parents and children.
· Endeavour to communicate in a clear and open way. Be welcoming at all times
· Provide information and expectation for safe remote learning and communication.

Headteacher: Mrs E. Fordham

Parents and Guardians - We/I will try to:

· Ensure my child attends school regularly and is punctual with necessary equipment.
· Inform the school on the first day if my child is absent.
· Provide the school with up-to-date daytime contact number.
· Inform school about any factors that may affect my child’s welfare, work or behaviour.
· Actively support and take an interest in my child’s school work and progress, and attend parents evenings.
· Support my child in responding positively to the general expectations and regulations of the school including esafety.
· I/we will close online accounts if I/we/teachers find that these accounts are active for our underage child/children.
· Support school guidance and expectation for safe remote learning and communication.

Pupil - I will try to:

· Do all my school work and homework to the best of my ability.
· Follow the school Code of Conduct and rules for esafety and remote learning and communication and show consideration and good manners towards others at all times.
· Do my best to arrive at school at the correct time and have everything I need for the day.
· Wear my school uniform with pride and be tidy in my appearance.
· Take care of the resources I use and treat other people’s property with respect.
· Tell a member of staff if I have any worries or concerns.

A signature is not required for this document, the terms herein are confirmed by all parties upon receipt.

Last reviewed - October 2021

Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils Including the use of Microsoft Teams

Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils Including the use of Microsoft Teams

The internet, email, mobile technologies and online resources have become an important part of learning and life. We want all children to be safe and responsible when using any IT. It is essential that children are aware of online risk, know how to stay safe and know where to go to report problems or to get help.

Please read through these online safety rules with your child/ren and talk with them to ensure they understand their importance and what it means for them (and for you). Any concerns or explanation can be discussed with the Headteacher.

I/we also agree not to share school related information or images online or post material that may bring the school or any individual within it into disrepute. (Rather than posting negative material online, any parent, distressed or concerned about an aspect of school should make immediate contact with a member of staff. Negative postings about the school would impact on the reputation of the whole school community. Parents are encouraged to report breaches so that we can protect the reputation of the school, staff, pupils and parents).

 I/we also agree only to use personal mobile phones and devices in designated areas of the school unless otherwise informed, e.g. for specific events and activities. I/we understand that under no circumstance should images be taken at any time on school premises of anyone other than our own child/ren, unless there is a pre-specified agreement.

I/we understand that when on school premises, but not in a designated area where phones can be used, they must be switched off and out of sight.

My online safety rules
· I will only use school IT equipment for activities agreed by school staff.
· I will not use my personal email address or other personal accounts in school
· I will not sign up for any online service on school devices unless this is an agreed part of a school project approved by my teacher and agreed by my parent/carer.
· I will only open email attachments if it has been approved by a member of school staff in school or a parent/carer out of school.
· In school I will only open or delete my files when told by a member of staff.
· I will not tell anyone other than my parents/carers my passwords. I will not use other people’s usernames or passwords to pretend to be them online.
· I will make sure that all online contact I make is responsible, polite and sensible. I will be kind and respectful at all times.
· If I come across anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately.
· If someone says, asks or posts about me anything upsetting, unpleasant or nasty, or anything that makes me feel unsafe, I will not reply. I will tell my teacher or my parent/carer immediately.
· I will not give out my own or other people’s personal information, including: name, phone number, home address, interests, schools or clubs. I will tell my teacher or parent/carer if anyone asks me online for personal information.
· Uploading or sending my image (photographs, videos, live streaming) online puts me at risk. I will always seek permission from my teacher or parent/carer if I wish to do this. I will not take, share or upload any image of anyone else without their permission and also, if they are a child, without their parent’s/carer’s permission.
· Even if I have permission, I will not upload any images, videos, sounds or words that could upset, now or in the future, any member of the school community, as this is cyberbullying.
· I understand that some people on the internet are not who they say they are and some people are not safe to be in contact with. I will not arrange to meet someone I only know on the internet. If someone asks to meet me, I will not reply to them and I will tell a teacher or a parent/carer immediately.
· I understand that everything I do or receive online can be traced now and in the future. I know it is important to build a good online reputation.
· I understand that some personal devices are allowed in school and some are not, and I will follow the rules. I will not assume that new devices can be brought into school without getting permission.
· I will not lie about my age in order to access games, apps or social networks that are for older people as this will put me at risk.
· I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe now and in the future. If I break the rules my teachers will look into it and may need to take action.

Remote Learning

The school will:
· Provide a continuous connection with your child via Microsoft ‘Teams’ to offer them routine and support
· Continue to nurture your child through daily contact to ensure they are happy, safe and well during these unsettling times
· Provide remote learning tasks with explanation and instruction
· Endeavour to support you with any technical difficulties that you may be experiencing.
· Respond to any concerns you may have in a timely manner within school hours.

As a parent/carer I will:
· Encourage my child to engage with their daily learning tasks.
· Ensure any queries I have are directed to the class teacher via the year group email
· Offer understanding and support to teachers who may encounter technical difficulties
· Not use social media to make negative commentary of the school
· Encourage my child to engage with their teacher daily in order to scaffold their routine, care and support.
• Keep my microphone muted and encourage my child to do the same during a live class.
• Support the whole class live experience by responding to teachers only when I have been asked a question.
• Use the ‘chat function’ to ask the teacher a question if my query is urgent, and allow the teacher time to respond.
• Encourage my child to use the ‘chat’ function for academic questions only, in order to enhance the support the teacher can offer them.
• Ensure my child’s background is appropriate.
• Ensure that any document uploaded by the teacher does not get moved to another location or edited.
• Ensure that any queries I have regarding my child’s academic tasks are directed to the class via the year group email.
• Ensure that any queries I may have regarding Microsoft Teams are directed to the year group email address
• Offer understanding and support to teachers who, as key workers, are continuing to provide care and routine for my child in these difficult circumstances.

As a pupil of Almond Hill I will:
· Engage in my daily learning tasks and respond to my teacher appropriately either through Teams or in phone call conversation so they know I am happy, safe and I am engaging in my learning.
· I understand my behaviour in remote learning responses should mirror that in the physical classroom. Possible sanction for failing to comply with this agreement will be removal of access to Microsoft Teams for your child/children.
• Keep my microphone muted during a live class.
• Use the ‘chat’ function to ask my teacher a question that is related to my work.
• Engage with my teachers daily so that they know I am happy, safe and well during the lockdown period.

A signature is not required for this document; the terms herein are confirmed by all parties upon receipt.

Last reviewed - September 2022

School Dog

Dear Parents/Carers, 

I am writing to inform you that we have a special member within our school community, Miya the school dog. Miya is a chocolate brown Cocker Spaniel and belongs to Mrs Fordham.  Cocker Spaniels are a breed of dog that are known for their mild temperament and she has a low shedding coat which minimises the chance of allergic reactions.

Miya was introduced to the school when she was 18 months old in July 2019. She has been coming in regularly for short sessions since from September 2019 and this time has gradually increased. Miya now attends one full day each week and is present at break and lunch times and is often seen in and around school so the children are used to her presence.  Mrs Fordham cares for Miya out of school and will take full responsibility for her but Mrs Burgess (Pastoral Teaching Assistant) will be taking her for sessions with the children.

In assemblies, we discuss with the children the rules and expectations about having a school dog and we have also talked about many of the benefits too. All classes have discussed their ideas and the children have been overwhelmingly positive. Prior to Miya being introduced to the school we have undertaken a significant amount of research and are aware of many benefits to having a school dog including,


  • a calming effect on pupils;
  • improved behaviour and concentration, reduced stress and improved self-esteem;
  • encouraging expression, participation and confidence for all children;
  • fostering a sense of responsibility;
  • motivating pupils to think and to learn, as most children have a high level of natural interest in, enthusiasm for and enjoyment of animals;
  • encouraging respect and thereby improving pupils’ relationships with each other, parents and teachers; 
  • teaching children to nurture and respect life;
  • helping work undertaken with the most vulnerable children; 
  • helping children build confidence in reading;
  • improving attendance;
  • further promote our ‘Well Being’ agenda for pupils.

Dogs are increasingly being used in schools with great success and some of you may have seen in the media that they are now being used in some hospitals as the emotional health benefits they bring are so vast. 

The dog’s main place of residence is an office area, which is secure and separate from the classrooms.  Miya is still only young and continues to be introduced to the school community. If your child is going to work in regular, close contact the dog we will request permission before such work commences.

All children, should they wish, will have the opportunity to interact with her. Whilst moving around the school, the dog will be kept on a short lead and will always be with an adult.

With parental permission, over a period of time, we have supported children who are fearful of dogs in approaching, handling and gaining in confidence with her in managing their fear. At no time will a child be made to meet with the dog.

We believe the children gain a great deal of enjoyment from having the school dog and feel she is becoming an established part of life at Almond Hill Junior School. However, should you have any queries or questions on the matter then please do not hesitate to contact the school. In the meantime, please see the FAQs attached. 

Yours sincerely,

Emma Fordham,

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q Who is the legal owner of the dog and who pays for its costs? 

A. The legal owner of the dog is Mrs Fordham who will care for the dog out of school hours and will bear the costs associated with it; the school budget will remain unaffected. 

Q Will the dog be a distraction? 

A. The dog will be kept in an office area away from classrooms. We will be careful to ensure that time spent with the school dog is shared among the children fairly. We will also ensure that children who are not involved in regular, direct contact with the dog are still able to participate in a number of ways, should they wish to do so. 

Q Has a risk assessment been undertaken? 

A. Yes, we have carefully considered having a dog in school and sought advice from many sources, including other schools that successfully have a school dog.

Q. How will hygiene be managed? 

A. Children will continue to be spoken to and reminded during assemblies around hygiene when handling or working with animals. The adult carrying out sessions or interactions with Miya will also advise children to wash their hands directly after they have come into contact with her.

Q. How will the dog be toileted to ensure hygiene for all? 

A. In the interest of health and hygiene, our school dog will be toileted in a designated area and this will be picked up, contained and disposed of immediately in an outside bin.   

Q How will the dog’s welfare be considered? 

A. Miya will be walked before and after school as well as at lunchtime. The dog will be kept in an office area and will only have planned and supervised contact with children and visitors. The dog will be carefully trained over a period of time and will have unlimited access to water. We will work closely with other professionals to ensure the dog’s welfare is always carefully considered. 

Q How will this be managed where children have allergies

A. We already manage a number of allergies at school and this will be no different for children and adults that are allergic to dogs. The breed of dog has also been chosen for its hypoallergenic properties. Individual needs will always be met and we are happy to work with parents to put additional control measures in place for individual allergies.

Q My child is frightened of dogs; how will you manage this?  

A. Access to the dog will be carefully managed and supervised and children do not need to have regular, close contact with her unless permission for this has been given. We hope to work closely with parents of children who are fearful of dogs to alleviate their fear and to teach them how to manage this and have already successfully done this with a number of children.

Please complete the change of details form if you (or one of your child's emergency contacts) has changed their home address, email address or phone numbers.