Issue 22 - 7th March 2025
Dear Families,
Wow! What a day we had yesterday. It was lovely to see so many fantastic World Book Day outfits. The effort made by families and staff was wonderful. From The Three Little Pigs to Cinderella, we had it all! Apparently, I fit the role of The Big Bad Wolf quite well...
We had a real focus on reading yesterday and Year 3 were incredibly lucky to have Katie Budge (one of our talented parents) visit them to talk about what it’s like to be an author. Please take a look at her website for information on her books. They are available to buy on School Gateway. This has been extended until Monday.
FOAH organised an amazing event yesterday which was run across both Almond Hill and Letchmore. This took a huge amount of time, preparation and effort and we are very grateful. The children really enjoyed it and the buzz in the air was great. I hope the lucky winners of the sparkly tickets enjoyed their prizes!
I accompanied some Year 6 children to Letchmore in the afternoon to read with some of the children. We have done this over the last few years and it is another lovely way to connect the two schools. The Year 6 children did us proud reading with their younger peers with confidence.
Emma Fordham,
Key Messages
Last Day of Term
Please note, school closes at 1.00pm on the last day of term (Friday 4th April). As Letchmore finish at 12.30pm on the same day, there will be no childcare option for parents on this day. All children should be collected at 1.00pm.
There will be a cold lunch option only on this day.
Increase in Meal Prices
From 1st April 2025, Herts Catering meal prices will increase to £3.45.
The INSET and occasional days for next academic year have now been published on our website. We have tried where possible to keep the same as Letchmore for those families who have children at both schools. However, INSET days are used for training days for staff (not days off) and as we are different schools, we have different priorities and commitments. Staff really value these training days to enhance their professional development and to help move our school forward.
Parent Survey
As we reach the final week of providing feedback from the parent survey results, we want to extend our thanks for your valuable input.
What one key thing would you improve at Almond Hill to help with children's learning and progress?
One parent raised a question about whether it was fair to ask for three positive areas alongside one suggestion for improvement. Change is often challenging to implement so we wanted to focus on the most impactful priority and on what was the most important thing for parents.
Many suggestions for improvement related to increasing staff, provisions and opportunities. As many of you will understand, these factors are largely influenced by budget constraints.
Key Themes from Feedback:
Public Speaking & Oracy – We completely agree! Over the next three years, we will be developing our oracy programme to provide more opportunities for public speaking. Look out for the new debating club for the upper school next term.
Homework – A topic with varying opinions! Some parents have said there is too much homework whereas others have said there is not enough and some requested a more focused monthly project . Homework is always a tricky balance as we recognise that some families can provide substantial support while others may not be able to. Our current approach includes:
Weekly homework designed to be accessible, age-appropriate with 2 difficultly levels—without requiring adult support.
Some children ask for the ‘challenge’ piece which is an optional extra and if chosen, should be completed on top of the usual, age-related homework. For those children who may need some additional support, they may be given homework that focusses on areas where they need more practise (i.e. spellings).
Occasional projects that may require more time, effort, and resources, such as the diversity homework or the recent writing/art project where we saw some incredible Starbirds!
Additional Support & Opportunities – We would love to expand pastoral care, interventions, clubs and extra learning opportunities and we will continue to explore ways to make this possible.
Thank you again for your continued engagement and support. Your feedback is invaluable as we strive to create the best possible learning environment for all our children.
Maths Morning – Parents Invited – 1st April
On 1st April, we are inviting parents in to take part in a fun, interactive maths lesson with their children. The plan is to meet with Miss Simmons in the hall at drop off (8:45am) for a very short chat about maths at Almond Hill followed by a maths lesson (short, fun activities which use a range of maths skills) from 9.00 -10.00am in your child's classroom. It will be an opportunity for children to experience learning with you and maybe even for you to brush off those maths skills and support your children in the classroom. These types of events have always been very successful and children love having you in the classroom sharing their learning experiences. We look forward to seeing you then! As ever, you will be able to move between classes if you have children across the school.
Parents’ Evening
Our Parents’ Evenings (PTI’s) for the Spring Term will be held on Tuesday 11th and Thursday 13th March. If your child is in 3W, Miss Ward will be available to see parents on Monday 10th and Thursday 13th March.
Given how the time spent with the class teacher at parents’ evening is finite, families will receive their PTI forms today via email to allow you to digest the information and plan for any questions you may have. Please bear with us as the system can sometimes take a while and you may not receive them all at the same time.
Face to Face Appointments
If your child is in the upper school, please go straight to Acorn House. You will be able to look at your child’s books in the classroom and meetings will be in offices (Year 5 downstairs and Year 6 upstairs). If your child is in the lower school, please go straight to Oak House. You will be able to look at your child’s books in the classroom and meetings will be in offices within Oak House. There will be a free crèche available in the computing room for all in person PTI meetings on 11th and 13th March, but we are unable to offer this facility for Miss Ward’s appointments on 10th March. We will also be selling preloved uniform alongside the creche. Please come along and replenish your stocks. The computing room can be accessed from the quadrant. Premier will be running their wraparound care as usual and our external football club for year 5/6 will run as planned. All other clubs held on a Tuesday or Thursday (including reading booster) will not be running.
Online Appointments
If you choose an online meeting, please see the below link for a guide on using the system. Please read this carefully as it tells you how to check that your technology will work correctly for the meeting. You will be sent a link for the meeting and you will need to ensure you are prompt to start. The meetings follow back to back so your time cannot be adjusted. The meetings will be timed to 9 minutes and will cut out after this time. There will be a clock on screen as an indicator for both you and the teacher that the meeting is coming to an end.
Local Resident’s Concern
We received a call from a local resident last week who reported that they had noticed an increase in children walking independently to school and is worried that they are not taking enough care when crossing. He said the children seem not to have an awareness of cars and is worried there will be an accident. Please speak to your child about road safety and the importance of crossing roads safely.
Girls on Board
Thank you to the parents who have been in touch to discuss our new initiative ‘Girls on board’ which like all our pastoral provisions is designed to help children develop personal skills and in this case, a focus on solution finding. As with all our provisions, we will monitor the impact and evaluate success over time. The book ‘When Girls Fall Out’ has been mentioned to me as a good read by a parent and I would agree (as I have read it myself) as it provides more background reading on this topic if you are interested.
Diary Dates
Did you know, you can subscribe to our calendar to keep up to date with the events going on within the school?
Follow the link below, select 'subscribe' and follow the instructions for your device.
Upcoming Events
Book Sales
All sales will take place during the school day. Books cost just 50p each.
Our last book sale was so successful that we are in need of some more books. If you have any you are happy to donate, please give them to your child's class teacher.
Uniform Sales
Our monthly uniform sales take place on a Thursday in the hall from 3.00-3.30pm
Grafham Parent Meeting
Thursday 20th March 6pm via Microsoft Teams.
Meeting ID: 338 104 527 711
Passcode: wP7sE3bm
SEND/Pastoral Afternoon Tea
This event will take place between 2:30pm and 3:15pm on Thursday 20th March.
Year 3 94.81%
Year 4 96.74%
Year 5 96.74%
Year 6 96.7%
All Students 96.28%
Class winners
6S 98.67%
4W 97.59%
Almond Hill Achievements
Click the button below to see all the wonderful things our children have achieved outside of school.
House Points
FOAH Update
Next Meeting - Monday 28th April at 6.00pm
Microsoft Teams
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 363 444 974 405
Passcode: PX36yg2R
Mother’s Day Present Room is here!
The Present Room is now live on School Gateway for this year’s Mother’s Day Present Room, organised by Friends of Almond Hill (FOAH).
The present room will take place during the school day on Wednesday 26th March. On that day, the children can choose a secret present for the important ladies in their life (Mums, Step-mums, Grandmas, Aunties, Carers, and so on - there’s no limit to the number of gifts you can buy per child). Each gift is then brought home at collection time in an individual sealed bag that can be hidden at home, ready to give on Mother’s Day! Please make sure you tell your child whom they are choosing for before the day itself, so they can pick suitable presents.
Cash payments will be accepted on the day of the present room if needs be, but we would be grateful if payments could be made in advance on School Gateway, as this enables us to plan ahead and ensure there are enough gifts for every child taking part.
The closing date for purchasing tickets on School Gateway is Thursday 20th March.
And don’t worry Dads, you won’t miss out – we plan to run a Father’s Day Present Room in June!
All funds raised will go towards equipment and events that enhance the children’s school experience. If you have any questions, please reach out to the FOAH team. Our email is:
Best wishes
Friends of Almond Hill
In Other News…
Maths challenge
On Monday the 3rd of March 2025, 6 year 5 children took part in a maths competition. There were 4 heats, and we were in the third one. In our heat, there were 4 rounds with lots of difficult questions. There were different kinds of questions such as estimating or just general maths questions. We had to enter our answers into a sheet of paper to then put them into answer boxes online. We will get our results on Thursday the 6th of March and we’re excited. Everyone that took part tried hard while helping others. We were a great team and I’ve never seen anybody work so well together. I just want to say a huge thank you to Miss Porter and anyone else involved in the challenge. Written by Pollie.
Miss Porter's update: All the children worked so hard but unfortunately we didn't make it to the final. We scored 150 points which was amazing! Teams that made it through to the final scored 158 and over so we were quite close! Well done Pollie, Emelia, Emmanuel, Nilashini, Kayal and Adam!