Issue 19 - 7th February 2025
Dear Families,
What a week it has been! We have had school trips, special visitors, more sporting events and the annual writing awards evening! Keep reading to find out more about these wonderful events.
Mrs Cleaves, Miss Simmons and Mrs Fordham, were delighted to attend the North Herts and Stevenage Schools’ Writing Awards ceremony last night where the cream of the crop represented the Almond Hill community. In total, 5000 children participated in the writing project across schools in North Herts and Stevenage. With two children collecting ‘progress’ awards and two collecting ‘endeavour’ awards (one of each for lower and upper school), the evening started well! Following this were Best Writer awards for each year group where four children were nominated from Almond Hill and they proudly collected their certificates and medals. Next week, Mrs Cleaves will be awarding certificates for progress, endeavour and best writer for each class in our weekly Friday celebration assembly. Thank you to staff, parents and the children for attending this wonderful event.
Have a good weekend.
Emma Fordham,
Key Messages
Parent Survey
‘Please tell us your views on the school’s ethos ‘It’s all about The Climb’. What do you understand of it?’
I was blown away by the responses to this question, some of which were incredibly insightful and showed a real understanding of what we are trying to achieve. There were some parents who explained they were not fully sure on the purpose of ‘The Climb’ and there were some misconceptions I am happy to address here.
I wanted to explain more about ‘The Climb’ for those who were unsure but I am delighted to share some quotes from our parent survey that have explained what we are trying to achieve in a wonderful way…
Academic achievements are not the sole basis for reaching the top of the hill. When children at Almond Hill consistently do the right thing (not because they want to avoid negative consequences but because it is who they are,) they receive a ‘Top of the Hill’ badge as recognition of their continued climbing. If you want to know where your child is on their journey, please ask your child’s teacher at Parents’ Evening.
For those who want a reminder (or have not seen) our video explaining ‘The Climb’ can be watched below.
How can I be Top of the Hill?
Parents’ Evening – Diary Date
Details are still being finalised but please be aware the dates for the spring term parents’ evening are as follows:
Tuesday 11th March and Thursday 13th March
Parents of 3W please note parents’ evening with Miss Ward will take place on Monday 10th March and Thursday 13th March.
We have had reports of headlice this week. Please check your child’s hair and treat accordingly. There is no need to keep your child off school if they have headlice. Please below for the NHS guidance on treatment:
Pop up Pool Voluntary Contributions
Please be reminded that the contributions for swimming lessons in the pop up pool will close 31st March. The office will be in contact with parents (if they haven’t already) to provide a gentle reminder of the number of lessons your child had. Please log in to School Gateway and make a contribution if you are able.
Signing up for Events
We have had a few instances over the last few weeks where parents have signed their child up for an event (taking place off site) and on the day, the child has not been aware of the event or they have not been collected/dropped off as planned. We work really hard to take part in so many events and we really try to ensure that all children have the opportunity to take part (if they want to). When you are sent the invite for your child, it will provide the information of event, date, times, location etc along with a deadline to respond to provide your consent. If the deadline passes without consent/communication, the place will be passed on to someone else. Please check with your child that they want to take part before signing them up. If they don’t, that's absolutely fine but please ensure you have declined on Arbor so we can offer the place to someone else. These events are planned by Stevenage Sporting Futures with a minimum/maximum participation requirement that we need to meet in order to attend.
Drop off Zone Reminder
There are over 300 children arriving and leaving our school every day. We welcome children riding bikes/scooting to school if they are wearing a safety helmet. In the interests of the safety of all our children, we expect you to observe the parking restrictions when dropping off or collecting your child in a car. Please can you make your child aware that the raised area outside of the school is not a pedestrian crossing. At the end of the day the school gate area is very busy.
At the beginning of the day, most parents with children in Years 4, 5 and 6 do not park. They drop their children off and let them walk to class. However for children in year 3, it is more likely they will want to park and take their children to the classroom door. This can cause difficulties if all the available spaces are already filled. Please be mindful of this issue. There is a 10-minute window for children to be dropped off and the car park tends to be quieter in the latter half of those 10 minutes e.g 8.50-8.55am.
If you park in the ‘drop off’ zone at the end of the day it must be in one of the marked bays. You may not park on the access roadway around these spaces. Adults who park in one of the allocated parking spaces at the end of the day need to get out of their cars and walk to collect their child. The ‘drop off’ area is for vehicle entrance/exit only NOT for pedestrian use. I am sure like me; you wish to keep our children as safe as possible. I hope the guidelines are clear enough for all parents/carers to follow. If you have any queries or concerns about the use of the drop off, please contact the admin team.
If you are driving to school, please park safely and in line with restrictions. Please also show respect to our neighbours in adjacent roads so their access is not restricted by inconsiderate parking.
SATs Information Meeting
We were delighted to see so many year 6 parents joining us via Teams for the SATs information evening on Monday. The slides shown are now available on our school website (can also be seen below). If you have any further enquiries regarding the SATs, please contact your child's teacher via the year 6 email:
SATs Support Resources: /page/?title=SATs+Support+Resources&pid=199
Diary Dates
Did you know, you can subscribe to our calendar to keep up to date with the events going on within the school?
Follow the link below, select 'subscribe' and follow the instructions for your device.
Upcoming Events
10/02/2025 - All DayYear 3 (1/2 yr grp) trip to North Herts Museum
10/02/2025 - 1:00pm – 2:15pmY6 visit for Thomas Alleynes - Bugsy Malone
12/02/2025 - 9:00am – 11:30amY5 Love your Heart Workshop
12/02/2025 - 5:30pm – 6:30pmParent Forum Meeting (online)
17/02/2025 – 21/02/2025 - All DayHalf Term
Book Sale Dates
All sales will take place during the school day. Books cost just 50p each.
- 26th February
- 26th March
Uniform Sales
Dates for Spring term uniform sales.
All sales will take place from 3.00pm in the hall.
- 6th March
Parent Forum
Wednesday 12th February at 5.30pm via Microsoft Teams.
Meeting ID:
374 602 523 019
Passcode: 5BY3zQ34
SEND/Pastoral Afternoon Tea
This event will take place between 2:30pm and 3:15pm on Thursday 20th March. All parents are welcome so please come along – there is no need to book.
Club Collection Points
Please check your child's Arbor calendar for dates.
After School Clubs | ||||
Club | Day | Times | Collection Point | Year |
Football | Monday | 3.15-4.15 | Year 5 Gate | 3 & 4 |
Netball | Monday | 3.15-4.15 | Year 5 Gate | 5 &6 |
Football | Tuesday | 3.15-4.15 | Year 5 Gate | 3 & 4 |
French | Tuesday | 3.15-4.15 | Computer Room | 3 & 4 |
Outdoor Activities | Tuesday | 3.15-4.15 | Year 5 Classrooms | 5 & 6 |
Badminton | Tuesday | 3.15-4.15 | Hall | 5 & 6 |
Street Dance | Wednesday | 3.15-4.15 | Hall | all |
Cheerleading | Wednesday | 8.00–8:45 | N/A | all |
Football Year 6 (squad only) | Wednesday | 3.15-4.15 | Year 5 Gate | 6 |
Outdoor Activities | Thursday | 3.15-4.15 | Year 5 Classrooms | 3 & 4 |
Card Games | Thursday | 3.15-4.15 | 3B | all |
Multi Sports | Friday | 3.15-4.15 | Hall | 3 & 4 |
Booster Classes (invitation only) | ||||
Club | Day | Times | Collection Point | Year |
Year 6 Maths Booster | Monday | 3.15-4.30 | Acorn House | 6 |
Year 6 SPaG Booster | Wednesday | 3.15-4.30 | Acorn House | 6 |
Year 6 Reading Booster | Thursday | 3.15-4.30 | Acorn House | 6 |
Year 3 97.23%
Year 4 94.89%
Year 5 98.45%
Year 6 96.55%
All Students 96.75%
Class Winners...
5S 100%
3L 99.26%
Almond Hill Achievements
Click the button below to see all the wonderful things our children have achieved outside of school.
House Points
FOAH Update
Next meeting : Monday 3rd March at 6.00pm via Microsoft Teams
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 341 658 310 38 Passcode: ff76Uw7Q
World Book Day on Thursday 6th March
As well as our exciting FOAH event, children are invited to dress up for World Book Day on Thursday 6th March. Please note this is not a non-school uniform/pyjama day. If they wish to dress up, children should dress up as their favourite book character. Parents in the parents' forum had previously communicated they would really like to do this which is why I reintroduced this last year but I don't want to detract from the purpose of the day which is to celebrate books and reading, so any special activities will be linked to that.
Children will be given the opportunity to 'parade' their character in class and explain who they are and which book they come from.However, those children who don't want to dress up will not be expected to.
I anticipate a greater take up in the younger classes and would prefer parents didn't have to go to any extra expense - although fully appreciate when my children were in primary school my sewing and creative skills weren't up to it so a quick trip to a supermarket made my life easier! If your child usually has PE on Thursdays and they are dressing up, please send them in with their usual PE kit so they can change for their lesson.
In Other News...
Year 4 Writing Day
Year 4 were very lucky to spend a whole day with Tim and John working on their 'Castle Courageous' unit of writing. They learnt all about the genre of fantasy writing and the idea of portals in stories. They were introduced to the world in which Castle Courageous stands. They visited a magical emporium and investigated all the different things that could be bought there. After this, Year 4 considered which characters they might want as companions, which places they might meet them and how they might be useful on their journey. Everyone loved looking at all the models of the settings and characters in the afternoon. They inspired a lot of talk about what might be happening, ideas of how to describe the settings accurately and ignited our imaginations ready to get writing!
Year 5 Writing Day
Year 5 had a visitor from Time Capsule Education on Monday. They were told the story of Beowulf and Gredel in all its gruesome detail and then looked at Viking and Saxon Weapons and warfare. They were able to look at spears, helmets and swords as well as mail tunics. They also learnt about how the Vikings and Saxons hurt people. During the afternoon, the children learnt about the Battle of Maldon and then some children took part in a reenactment of a battle. They loved it!
Year 3 Recycling Workshop
Year 3 had a lovely morning meeting Mrs Koziara. She explained the 3Rs - Reduce - Reuse -Recycle! The children got to sort objects into the correct recycling sections and realised that it is not always as simple as it seems. We were shocked to find out that each person throws away 7 times their weight in rubbish each year! We now know about some handy tips to help reduce the amount of waste that we send to a landfill and will be much more mindful of our waste in the future.
Year 6 visit to Thomas Alleyne – Monday 10th February
Children in Year 6 have been invited to watch a student production of Bugsy Malone at Thomas Alleyne Academy on Monday 10th February. Children will walk down to the school (accompanied by staff) after lunch and will return to school before the end of the day. As this is a ‘local visit,’ we do not need to gather consent for this trip as all parents have already provided consent upon joining the school. Please ensure children are dressed appropriately for the day and have a coat and a named water bottle with them. We hope the children enjoy the show and look forward to hearing about it when they return.