Issue 16 - 17th January 2025
Dear Families,
We are looking forward to starting clubs next week. We are really lucky to have such a variety of clubs on offer to children. If your child is signed up to a club, please make sure they attend regularly. The office team always follow up club attendance and it is really helpful if we know in advance if your child is unable to attend on a specific date so we are not chasing you unnecessarily. If your child has changed their mind about a club, that’s absolutely fine but please let us know so the space can be offered to someone on our waiting list. Collection for clubs is at 4.15 (except booster which is 4.30) please arrive promptly to collect. Children in Year 3 and 4 must be collected by an adult. Children in Year 5 and 6 may walk home independently with parental consent. This has been requested on Arbor – please log in and check the notices section for any outstanding consents for your child.
Emma Fordham,
Key Messages
Parent Survey
Thank you to the parents who took the time to complete the parent survey last term. I was really pleased to see that the responses were overwhelmingly positive. Over the next few weeks, I will respond to some of the feedback/responses via our newsletter.
Do you read the weekly newsletter? If not, why?
I am pleased to see that many of our parents read our weekly newsletter. This is the best place to find answers to many of your questions. We know that some parents feel there are too many emails from school which is why we tried to reduce the amount of emails we send by adding the majority of necessary information to our newsletter. The admin team are looking into how we can improve the way we communicate with parents.
The layout of the newsletter was mentioned too and this is something we are always happy to consider. The changes to the newsletter came from suggestions in our parent forum and we would welcome any one to join and help to make a difference. Please email Miss Simmons if you are interested in joining. The newsletter will be raised at one of their upcoming meetings.
Do you look at the school's website? If yes, what do you find useful? If you answered no, please explain why.
Again, I am pleased parents find our website useful and are looking at it to find the information they need and those who do not use our website tell us this is because the newsletter provides the necessary information they may be looking for. The most popular areas of the school website are the term dates, calendar, staff details, newsletters, curriculum information, house points, school uniform details and photo galleries.
What would you like to see on the website?
Many of the suggestions made here are for things that are already on the website but this is really useful as we can highlight these areas for you here.
A list of which Illness children should be staying at home with - an NHS guide to when not to send your child to school can be found following the link above.
Contact details for the Governors, admin, head and year groups - The school governors, admin and headteacher are all contactable via - all contact details can be found here
Photos of staff next to their names -
Photos of events and achievements -
It would be fab if there was a quick link on the home page for the calendar – from our main homepage you can scroll down till you find upcoming events. From here, you can click view full calendar and it will take you straight to the whole calendar. We have also updated our website to have a ‘news and events’ tab to make this easier to find.
More information on the SEND side of things in school and what help is available and more on mental health for young children – We have a dedicated area for both SEND and mental wellbeing.
Congestion Around the School at Pick up Times - Follow up
Thank you for completing the survey about ways to improve congestion around the school. We asked if parents of children in Year 5 and 6 were interested in a ‘walking bus’ at the end of the school day and this wasn’t a particularly popular suggestion. Most people preferred the idea of a later finish for Years 5 and 6 so we will trial this after half term.
Disability Equality Questionnaire
I wanted to address this survey as we did have some submissions however due to there being a very small number of responses, I will not be addressing feedback on our newsletter as this may impact people’s anonymity. However, if you or your child have a disability, please don’t hesitate to contact the school if there is ever anything that we can do to support you for example with access to the school.
Pop up Pool Feedback
We had a very limited response to the survey but I thank the parents who did take the time to provide their feedback. All swimming certificates were given to children before Christmas and I am delighted to tell you that many children achieved their 25-metre swim. Almost all children achieved a distance certificate and everyone who participated gained in confidence. We have secured some funding via County Councillor Ellie Plater under the Locality Budget Scheme. A big thank you to Mrs Burgess for her hard work on this so no child misses out. We will continue to provide updates and the portal remains open for payments until 31st March 2025. We will never chase people for money personally but would appeal to those who are able to, to make payment, if their child took part in swimming lessons in the pop up pool. We will never exclude anyone from anything on the basis of cost but will have to limit our extra curricular plans going forward if we incur a huge deficit. Being taught to swim 25metres is part of the national curriculum so needs to be prioritised.
Food Waste at Lunchtime
Mrs Choudhury has noted a lot of wasted food from children eating school dinners. Please can I ask parents to speak to children about the importance of eating their lunchtime meal. If you are ordering a school dinner, we would suggest ordering alongside your child so they are choosing what they will eat. Not only is it a waste of parents’ money if you are paying for food and it is going in the bin but it is also not healthy for children not to eat all day. Mrs Fordham has spoken to children about this in assembly too.
Calling all parents and caregivers!
We are always really keen to support ex Almond Hill pupils in any way we can and as such I am asking for your help to complete a survey to support one of our former pupils with her university dissertation. The aim of the survey is to better understand the reasons why children are absent from school and the factors that influence absenteeism. Having a better understanding of this can help inform new interventions to tackle absenteeism.
Calling all parents and caregivers!
Do you have a child in Years 1–6? Help us understand school attendance challenges by taking part in a short research survey.
Your views can make a difference, whether your child has faced difficulties attending school or not. Plus, there's a chance to win a £5 Amazon voucher!
Learn more and take part here:
Thank you for helping us make schools better for everyone!
Diary Dates
Did you know, you can subscribe to our calendar to keep up to date with the events going on within the school?
Follow the link below, select 'subscribe' and follow the instructions for your device.
Upcoming Events
Year 3 97.52%
Year 4 94.22%
Year 5 93.24%
Year 6 97.09%
All Students 95.49%
Class winners
3B 100%
6B 99.57%
It is wonderful to see an improvement on attendance and 3B doing amazingly well last week with 100! WELL DONE! This week, I was delighted to see our whole school attendance on Wednesday was 99%! This is absolutely fantastic and our best attendance to date – well done!
Almond Hill Achievements
Click the link below to see all the wonderful things our children have achieved outside of school. ACHIEVEMENTS
We are incredibly proud of all the achievements that are going on inside and outside of school. Please do keep them coming in! Previously, we have asked parents to email these in but please can we ask that if you would like to submit an achievement for our newsletter, you complete the form on our website:
House Points
FOAH Update
Treasurer Vacancy for FOAH
Friends of Almond Hill our school fundraising charity is looking for a new treasurer and would love to hear from anyone interested in taking on this vital role in supporting them. If you are interested in finding out more about the role and what it entails, please email Rachael at A full handover will be provided by the current treasurer who we are most grateful to.
Next meeting
Monday 20th January 2025 - 18:00 - 18:30
Microsoft Teams
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 391 946 184 938
Passcode: oz24TE9V
Beanie Hats
With the popularity of the school baseball caps Friends of Almond Hill have created a school motto beanie hat with the same design. Pre-order now for delivery to school. Available on School Gateway for £8.00.
In Other News….
Upcoming events from DSPL2