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School Government

Every year, children at Almond Hill vote for their Prime Minister and government. Children in Year 6 are invited to form ‘parties’ and canvas children for their votes. 

Each party has to come up with a school, local, national and international pledge that they promise to fulfil throughout the year.

This year's elected government are the Mini Meerkats!

Members: Willow, Abbie, Harmony, Bonnie, Alexia and Roman.

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  • Writing Day

    Published 19/07/24

    I am sure children have told you all about the case of Miya’s missing crate! Our school government put together a wonderful writing event for children in Years 3, 4 and 5 on Tuesday. It had everything – mystery, suspense, evidence (including some questionable ‘CCTV’) and teamwork but most of all, it resulted in some fantastic writing! Each class had a ‘winner’ and they were given the opportunity to read their piece of work over a virtual whole school assembly. A big congratulations to the class winners and the school government. Mystery solved!  

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  • The bake sale raised over £200 for Cancer Research UK and The Garden House Hospice!

    Published 28/03/24

    The school government were treated to a visit from a representative of Letchworth Garden House Hospice on Tuesday afternoon in recognition of their great work raising money for both this charity and 

    Cancer Research with the bake sales last half term so well supported by our school community. Each member received a certificate to acknowledge their contribution and all were excited to see a huge cheque in person. Actually, only Mrs Fordham was excited about this - one of the children commented they had never seen a cheque in person nevermind a huge one - sign of the times and Mrs Fordham's age perhaps! 


    Our School Government wrote a letter to Cancer Research to tell them about their fundraising! 

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  • Bring your toys to school day...

    Published 12/12/23

    Our newly elected school government have pressurised Mrs. Fordham into holding their first promise! On their Christmas dinner day, children can bring a toy to school such as, dolls, teddies and fidgets. Please see their wonderful poster below for more detailed information. Please get behind our school government and support their first event!

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  • The Votes are in...

    Published 20/11/23

    All children had to the chance to vote for this year’s school government. The votes have been checked and verified and I am pleased to tell you that the winners were the Mini Meerkats! Well done!

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  • The Elections 2023

    Published 10/11/23

    Year 6 are currently holding their annual election. Children form political parties and generate a manifesto with four pledges. These pledges are focused on improving both school and beyond with fun events, a focus on education and fundraising. The children have presented their ideas and the whole school will have the opportunity to vote for their winner! 

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  • School Government Events - 2022

    Published 31/03/23
    Break the Rules Day 

    Children were invited to ‘break the rules’ on the last day of term to raise money for the school. Children were asked to contribute 50p per broken rule and they made an incredible £593.80!

    School Government Christmas Pyjama Day

    Our newly elected School Government had their first event in December– A Christmas Pyjama Day. They were fundraising for Cancer Research UK and raised £118.50.  Well done to the Funky Flamingos on running their first event.

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  • The Results - 2022

    Published 20/11/22

    The votes are in...

    All children had to the chance to vote for this year’s school government. The votes have been checked and verified and I am pleased to tell you that the winners were The Funky Flamingos! Well done!

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  • School Government 2022

    Published 10/11/22
    2022/23 Elections  Year 6 are currently holding their annual election. Children form political parties and generate a manifesto with four pledges. These pledges are focused on improving both school and beyond with fun events, a focus on educa
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