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Pupil Parliament meeting at the Stevenage Council Chambers

On Thursday 6th February, our Year 6 School Council Representatives (Arthur 6B, Lois 6S and Emilia 6C) attended a Pupil Parliament meeting at the Stevenage Council Chambers. The Mayor, Jim Brown, was in attendance as well as many other local KS1, KS2 and Secondary schools. The subject of this meeting was to discuss Mental Health support in our schools and the children had the opportunity to share all of the things we do in our school and community to support mental health and well-being. Our representatives were very brave (and well behaved!) and took turns, using microphones to speak to the other attendees. They shared so many great initiatives that we have in place such as Peer Mediators, our school dog, Miya, Kindness Ambassadors and Celebration Assemblies and they took notes on the initiatives they liked from the other schools. Miss Andrews and myself (Mrs Bond), were so proud of  how well Arthur, Lois and Emilia represented our Almond Hill community. They have been so inspired by the experience, that they have requested an assembly to feedback about the morning and to share their ideas with the rest of the school. Well done to them for keeping such an important subject in the forefront of our minds.