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Happy Chicks - Update

About two weeks ago in year 5, we had a special delivery ......CHICKS! On day one when the chicks arrived at our school, Miss Porter and Miss Wase decided to make the chicks a cage in 5W because they were the quietest and calmest class (and chicks need calm!). 

 If you didn't know: 

  1. chicks need a bigger space when they get bigger  

  1. they need a quiet room at all times   

  1. they need to be in a warm and happy place   


Last Friday in assembly, two people from 5W came up and spoke about what has been happening. Thank you to Adam D and Kayal. On Monday the 17th and Tuesday 18th, the chicks were ready to be held. Each of us got the chance to hold one of the chicks and have a photo taken too. These photos will be used to make an Easter card nearer the end of term. 

The chicks have now left us but we are so grateful to have had them. We got to see them hatch, grow and develop personalities! There were quite a few mischievous chicks in there! Thank you to the children who gave up their time to help clean the chicks too. 

By Amelia 5P and Miss Porter