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Issue 37 - 12th July 2024


Dear Families, 

Custom World Cup England FlagWe are sure many families will be watching the England game on Sunday which will result in a late night for many children.  Let’s hope there is something to celebrate! 

School will be open as usual for all children, however on this occasion we will keep registers open until 10.00am.  If children arrive in school by 10.00am this will be authorised.  Attendance after 10.00am will be unauthorised.   

Please bring your child to the office if they are not going to be in school by 9.00am.  If they require a school lunch please ensure this is pre ordered on SchoolGrid. 

If lots of families take up this option, please be aware that this will take time in the office to sign them in.  Please factor this into your plans as children will need to be supervised into the building. 

We had a wonderful transition event yesterday. We welcomed the Year 2 children who will be joining us in September as well as children in other year groups who will be moving to our school next year. We are very proud of how all children engaged on the day. We hope children in Year 6 got on well at their new secondary schools and they are excited to start in September! I am aware that the mixing of classes can create anxiety but several years of experience tells us that it is worth the effort. Today, a boy in Year 6 was overheard saying that the mixing of classes helped him make a new friend and was one of his favourite things about Almond Hill (he was being interviewed for the graduation video) and some children in Year 3 have said similar to me at lunchtime.  

Next week is our final full week of this academic year and what a year it has been! As we look back on all that has been achieved this year whether that be through sporting events, writing awards, SATs or through the children's quest to be ‘Top of the Hill’, I hope you are as proud as we are.  

On Monday, we have the first of our Year 6 graduation events. This is such a wonderful occasion and I hope families are looking forward to it! A big thank you must be given to the year 6 staff for all the planning and preparation that is put in to make these such a success. Please see the information below for further details.  

Emma Fordham 

Key Messages

Monday 22nd July – Last day of term – UPDATE TO ARRANGEMENTS  

Please note, as always, there will be a cold option only for lunch on this day.  We understand that Letchmore do not finish until Tuesday 23rd July. Where we can, Letchmore and Almond Hill have the same term dates and INSET days but we are separate schools with different commitments so sometimes, differences can’t be avoided. However, I do not want to put unnecessary pressure on families with children in both schools so we will finish early as planned on Monday (12.30pm) but for those parents who really need it, school will remain open until 3.15pm. Children will be invited to watch a film in the hall and will be supervised by support staff. This will be the last day of junior school for Year 6 and their early finish is a rite of passage that we do not want to take away.  

Please note, this is not expected to be a ‘staggered finish’. We would expect children to either be collected at 12.30pm or 3.15pm. 

Please let us know, by completing the form below, if you intend on your child staying at school on this day. If your child is in Year 3 and 4 they must be collected by an adult. If your child is in Year 5 or 6 and we haven’t been told they will be leaving independently, they will be expected to stay until 3.15pm.


You will have received an email this week with details about changes to the law regarding fixed penalty notices for unauthorised absence.  Please take the time to read these documents. You can read them here:  

Year 6 WhatsApp Groups

It has come to our attention that some children in Year 6 are involved in WhatsApp group chats and that some children have been using inappropriate vocabulary and inappropriate images have been shared. We have also been made aware that people have been added to these groups that do not attend Almond Hill and therefore could be to be strangers to other children within said group. Individual families have been contacted where necessary but we don't always know exactly who are in the groups.  As always, I would urge parents to monitor what their child is doing on their phone and restrict their access to WhatsApp group chats.

Year 6 Graduations 

I hope families are looking forward to the Year 6 graduations next week! As a reminder, the dates for each class are as follows:  

Where possible, please arrange for younger siblings to be collected on the day of the graduation as space in the hall will be limited and it is nice for children in Year 6 to have this time to celebrate. Where this is absolutely impossible, please inform the class teacher of the younger sibling that they will need to be taken to the hall at the end of the school day. The Year 6 teachers have been busy putting together a wonderful event for you all and we hope to see as many of you there as possible. 

Please don’t worry about what the children wear for the event. Children may wear an outfit of their choice be that formal attire or something more laid back and as always, we do not expect you to buy anything specifically for the afternoon. Children will need to wear uniform to school and they will change into their chosen outfit for the afternoon. 

Bags 2 School Collection Monday 15th July

We will be taking collections for Bags 2 School on Monday 15th July (only). If you have anything you would like to bring in, please leave in the quadrant on the morning of 15th July. 

For information on what can be collected, please follow the link below:  

SEND/Pastoral Coffee Morning

Our next SEND/Pastoral coffee morning will take place from 8.30am until 9.15am on Tuesday 16th July.  This is a great opportunity to chat with Mrs Birchall, our SENCo and Mrs Burgess, our Pastoral Lead.

We hope to see many of you there!

Bringing items in from home 

Please be reminded children should not be bringing toys in from home – including trading cards. We really appreciate parental support in this decision. If children repeatedly bring unnecessary items into school, we may leave them in the office for parents to collect. 

Bicycle Safety 

We have heard of 2 incidents this week where a child has come off their bike either on their way to or when leaving school. We think it is fantastic that children are biking to school. It is great exercise and better for the environment than driving but would urge parents to ensure children are wearing helmets when riding.  

Our School Kitchen 

Please note, our school kitchen does not offer halal meat. There is always a vegetarian, meat, jacket potato and cold lunch option available.  

Staff ‘Gate Days’ 

Each day, a member of our senior leadership team are on gate duty to welcome families into school. We thought it would be useful to share which member of staff is on duty on which days. Feel free to say hello! 
Monday - Mrs Birchall (SENCo) 
Tuesday -Mrs Fordham (Headteacher) 
Wednesday - Mrs Burgess (Pastoral Lead)  
Thursday - Mrs Cawthorn (School Business Manager) 
Friday -Mrs Fordham (Headteacher) 

Mrs Barker, our Pastoral Teaching Assistant sometimes covers these days when needed.

Key Messages

Almond Hill Achievements 

Click the button below to see all the wonderful things our children have achieved outside of school. 

Attendance Matters

Year 3 96.33% 
Year 4 93.67% 
Year 5 96.09% 
Year 6 90.79% 
All Students 94.32% 
Class Winner 6B    97.7% 

Book Sale

Our last book sale of this academic year will be held on: Wednesday 17th July  
The book sales take place during the school day and books cost just 50p each! 

Club End Dates


Year group 



Collect from 

3/4 Football 

3, 4 


15th July

Field gate (nearest to the church) 

Reading Fluency Booster 


15th July 

Acorn House 


Reading Fluency Booster 


15th July 

Acorn House 


5/6 Football 

5, 6 


19th July 

Field gate (nearest to the church) 




Stop Motion 






Mad Science 






House Points

Upcoming FOAH Events

A big thank you to FOAH for a wonderful ice lolly sale last week!


In Other News...

Year 3 Regeneration  

On Monday, Year 3 had the privilege of being visited by the team from Stevenage regeneration. We learnt all about what regeneration is and why we need it in Stevenage. We looked at pictures, maps and plans of the projects and gave our opinions. After that, we used paper and cardboard to construct our own suggestions for building projects that could help bring Stevenage up to date. Everyone was very creative and we made stadiums, dog parks, soft play centres, leisure centres and more! 


Well done to all the children who performed in the end of year Rock Steady concert. They have made so much progress over the last year and it was wonderful to see them enjoying their performance so much. The parents enjoyed it too! 

Herts School Games Festival

Herts School Games Festival All of the Y3 and Y4 pupils represented Almond Hill brilliantly at this event. Throughout the day, the children were able to move around different tennis games and circuit activities. There were lots of smiles and hard work as well as an exciting visit from Nitro, a member of the TV show 'Gladiators' at lunchtime. He spoke ab…

Cup Final Winners - 2023/24!

Cup Final Winners - 2023/24! The Year 6 football team had an exceptional win on Tuesday beating the league winners Woolenwick 5-1 to take home the cup (well, we haven't got the cup yet but will cheer loudly when we do have it!!) We had some help from Arthur and Louie in Year 5 too who were pivotal in our success. A massive well done to the whole team who wor…

Information for Parents