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Issue 36 - 5th July 2024



Dear Families, 

We have had lots going on this week with sporting events, school trips and our in school events. I hope children have really enjoyed it. Please take a look at our ‘news stories’ to find out how they got on! 

Next Thursday is Transition Day. As a school, we have been working on making this process as easy as possible for families. Following parent feedback, we will be announcing new teachers via email to parents on Tuesday 9th July in preparation for Transition Day on Thursday 11th. Children in current Years 3, 4 and 5 will spend the day in their new classes and Year 6 will spend the day in their new secondary school. Year 6 parents, please ensure you know the details for your child’s transition as we often have children arrive at school as normal on this day but they should be registered at the school they will start in in September. Please read on for further information including staff changes for September.  

Emma Fordham 

Key Messages

Teaching staff leaving Almond Hill 

Over the next few weeks and before the start of next term, there will be various changes to our teaching staff here at Almond Hill. This is usually the case at the end of a school year and is also one of the reasons we wait to tell families the teaching arrangements for the year ahead. With this in mind, I would like to let you know that we have some people leaving us at the end of the academic year.   

Mrs Richardson (Year 3) 
After 4 Years at Almond Hill, I have decided to move on to new adventures.  I came here looking for a break from class teaching, but I couldn't resist it! For a term I was a TA before taking on a role as a Cover Supervisor. I have been happy to step in when needed and enjoyed sharing classes with brilliant teachers. Having spent the last two years in Year 3 with an outstanding partner, has been cheerful and challenging! I am lucky enough to have taught every child in the school and I will miss their shining faces. I know they will continue to be brave as they make their climb up the Hill! Thank you to the wonderful Almond Hill community for all they've done over the years. 

Miss Hayllar (Year 4)  
Miss Hayllar will be leaving us at the end of term as she is moving to a new home and school out of town. 

"I hold the fondest memories of my time at Almond Hill and it has been such an important part of my life. I will miss being a part of the community! I wish the school and families so much success in the future and look forward to hearing all about it!" 

Mrs Barham (Year 4) 
After working at Almond Hill for nearly 10 years, I have made the decision to be closer to my family and to leave at the end of this academic year. I am filled with so many different emotions about leaving where I started my teaching career and the incredible team that make our school the amazing place that it is. It hasn’t been an easy choice for me to make as I absolutely love working here but it is time for me to move on. To the parents, families and children that I have taught over the years - thank you! I have always loved our school community and have so many lovely memories to take with me because of you all. There is no place like Almond Hill and I will be forever grateful to everyone that has been a part of my time here. Thank you so much! 

Staff joining Almond Hill in September 

As staff leave, we welcome new members to the Almond Hill community. This term, we have already welcomed a new TA, Mrs Ogilvie, who has been working in Year 5 but we also have some new teachers joining our team next year. They will be here on Transition Day so children will be able to meet them and parents will have the chance to ‘say hello’ at the end of the day.  

Miss Bonfield – Year 3 
Hello everyone my name is Miss Bonfield. I have been a teacher for 3 years and have worked with children for over a decade! I love reading and outdoor games and activities. I am really excited to join the teaching team at Almond Hill Junior School from September and look forward to meeting you all soon.   

Miss Clarke – Year 4  
Hello! I’m Miss Clarke and I’m very excited to begin teaching at Almond Hill. My favourite subjects to teach are mathematics and art as I believe they provide unique ways to inspire and challenge young minds. I also have a passion for reading and enjoy getting lost in a good book whenever I can. I can’t wait to begin sharing books with my class! When I'm not teaching in the classroom, I love to spend my time painting pottery as it allows me to express my creativity. I also really enjoy attending cookery classes with my friends to develop new culinary skills and learn more about different cultures. I look forward to sharing my love for learning and creativity with both children and parents! 

Mrs Waldrom – Year 4 
Hi there, I’m Mrs Waldrom and I’m really excited to be joining the year 4 team at Almond Hill next academic year. When I’m not teaching in school, I love to travel and learn about different cultures and languages. I recently visited Romania and tried skiing for the first time which was brilliant. In my spare time, I also enjoy yoga and keeping fit and healthy. I’m very much looking forward to meeting you and having a great year ahead! 

Monday 22nd July – Last day of term – UPDATE TO ARRANGEMENTS

Please note, as always, there will be a cold option only for lunch on this day.  We understand that Letchmore do not finish until Tuesday 23rd July. Where we can, Letchmore and Almond Hill have the same term dates and INSET days but we are separate schools with different commitments so sometimes, differences can’t be avoided. However, I do not want to put unnecessary pressure on families with children in both schools so we will finish early as planned on Monday (12.30pm) but for those parents who really need it, school will remain open until 3.15pm. Children will be invited to watch a film in the hall and will be supervised by support staff. This will be the last day of junior school for Year 6 and their early finish is a rite of passage that we do not want to take away.  

Please note, this is not expected to be a ‘staggered finish’. We would expect children to either be collected at 12.30pm or 3.15pm. 

Please let us know, by completing the form below, if you intend on your child staying at school on this day. If your child is in Year 3 and 4 they must be collected by an adult. If your child is in Year 5 or 6 and we haven’t been told they will be leaving independently, they will be expected to stay until 3.15pm.

Bags 2 School Collection Monday 15th July

We will be taking collections for Bags 2 School on Monday 15th July (only). If you have anything you would like to bring in, please leave in the quadrant on the morning of 15th July. 

For information on what can be collected, please follow the link below:  

Diary Dates

Uniform Sale

Our next uniform sale is:  Thursday 11th July.
The sale takes place from 3.00pm in the hall.

Book Sale

Our next book sale is: 
Wednesday 17th  July
The sale takes place during the school day and books cost just 50p!

Almond Hill Achievements 

Click the button below to see all the wonderful things our children have achieved outside of school. 


Year 3    93.86%
Year 4    95.6%
Year 5    95.4%
Year 6    88.84%
All Students    93.48%
Class winners - 5P - 99.6%

Club End Dates - Please check these as most of the clubs are now finished for this term.

New Dance Club Next Term 

All children were invited to join a trial session hosted by the leader of our new dance club on Thursday. I hope those who attended enjoyed it. This club will start on Wednesdays after school from the second week in September and will run until 11th December. This is run by an external provider and therefore will be chargeable. If you are interested, please take a look at the information below and contact Lindsey on the email address provided should you have any questions. If anyone is really interested in a place for their child but cost is an issue, please email for the attention of Mrs Fordham as there are some funded places available. 


Please place your orders on School Gateway. Parents are able to order one ice cream each Friday for their child to eat in class. 

Cash will be accepted on the day but please help FOAH to prepare by placing an order online. 

Ice-creams will also be available to purchase after school for anyone who has missed out during the day*.

*Subject to availability

In Other News...

Year 4 - Shuttleworth

Year 4 had an exciting day at Shuttleworth College Zoology Centre. The children were guided around the site watching and interacting with a range of different species. The children used their learning from science to help classify the amphibians, birds, mammals and reptiles. We even got to feed the capybaras! The children needed to show care and respect to the animals in their enclosures which they did. Well done Year 4, we hope you had a great time!


Path2Paris On Tuesday, some Year 4s were invited to the 'Path2Paris' event. This was a round robin of Olympic style activities involving teamwork and determination. The children took part so enthusiastically and represented the school brilliantly. Well done to Year 4 and the Year 6 sports captains for leading us to success!

Year 3 - Rounders

Year 3 - Rounders Year 3 had a fun time joining 4 other teams for Development Rounders at Marriotts School. We were the least experienced team but we had the most fun. At the start of the tournament, we were rough around the edges but we learned quickly. Because one of our players arrived a bit late we were lucky enough to have a Year 5 sub in for a g…

Year 5 DT Afternoon at Alleynes 

On 27th June, Year 5 ventured out to one of our possible secondary schools - Thomas Alleyne Academy. First of all, we would like to say a massive thank you to the staff for making sure we had a wonderful afternoon. There were three stations: art, DT and food tech. DT was very interesting. We got to look at and describe some GCSE projects including lamps, small houses and storage solutions. In art, we made a piece of artwork using different medias. Food tech was delicious! We got to try biscuits that the Year 9s made and had to describe it using our senses. As a bonus, we were given a laser cut key chain from the DT workshop and a 3D printed baby Groot! Here's what some children had to say: 

Albert 'It was very interesting. I liked all the different activities'. 
Teddie: 'It was fun doing the art and investigating the cookies. I liked looking at the models' 
Layla: 'I liked seeing the different resources and it taught me a lot.’ 
Written by George in 5P. 

Information for Parents

SEND news - 28 June 2024 ( 

HAPpy Camps are back once again for the school summer holiday.  
Children and teens living in Hertfordshire who get benefits-related free school meals can attend this fully funded holiday activity provision for FREE. 

As ever, HAPpy Camps will include a hot lunch alongside the wide variety of activities on offer. Every camp is inclusive and able to meet the needs of most children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), provided the right information is supplied with their booking. There are also SEND-specific camps which are better for children with higher support needs. 

You can get a flavour of what’s on offer at HAPpy Camps via this video and find out more here: 

Families of eligible children will need their unique booking code to book. These have been emailed to eligible parents. Over 200 HAPpy camps are running across Hertfordshire this summer, with more than 45,000 places available from 29 July– 30 August (not bank holiday). The HAPpy programme is funded by Hertfordshire County Council and coordinated by Herts Sport and Activity Partnership and the Hertfordshire Community Foundation. 

Summer Reading Challenge  
Get ready for a summer of imagination and creativity at your local Hertfordshire Library! The Marvellous Makers Summer Reading Challenge is here to spark the joy of reading and creative arts, while addressing the dip in reading levels that can often occur during the summer holidays. In collaboration with The Reading Agency and Create, a leading arts charity, we’re celebrating creativity and storytelling for our young readers. This year’s Challenge is an open invitation for children to explore books and stories, while taking part in free activities. From poetry and music to arts and crafts, there’s something for every young creator.  

The Challenge begins at all Hertfordshire Libraries from Saturday 6 July, and continues until Saturday 7 September. Children are encouraged to read six library books and collect exclusive stickers along the way. And that’s not all—finishers of the Challenge will receive a medal and certificate, and a chance to win tickets to an interactive poetry workshop with the celebrated poet, Joshua Seigal. Keep an eye out for pop-up Maker Stations at select libraries during the summer holidays, offering simple, engaging, and free activities designed to unleash the creative spirit in every child. Curious to learn more? Visit for all the details on the Challenge and discover some marvellous makes to create at home.