- Year 3 Maths LS1 - Place Value and Regrouping - Autumnpdf
- Year 3 Maths LS2 - Counting On and Back in Ones, Tens and Hundreds - Autumnpdf
- Year 3 Maths LS3 - Compare and order numbers up to 1000 - Autumnpdf
- Year 3 Maths LS4 - Measures – Comparison, Estimation and Magnitude - Autumnpdf
- Year 3 Maths LS5 - Mental Fluency – Addition - Autumnpdf
- Year 3 Maths LS6 - Mental Subtraction - Autumnpdf
- Year 3 Maths LS7 - Fact Families and Applying the Inverse - Autumnpdf
- Year 3 Maths LS8 - Written addition - Autumnpdf
- Year 3 Maths LS9 - Written subtraction - Autumnpdf
- Year 3 Maths LS10 - Problem Solving – Worded Problems - Autumnpdf
- Year 3 Maths LS11- Statistics- Autumnpdf
- Year 3 Maths LS12 - Angles- Autumnpdf
- Year 3 Maths LS13 - Perpendicular and Parallel Lines, Vertical and Horizontal Lines- Autumnpdf
- Year 3 Maths LS14 - 2-D Shapes- Autumnpdf
- Year 3 Maths LS15 - Perimeter Including Problem Solving Using Written and Mental Methods- Autumnpdf
- Year 3 Maths LS16 – Multiplication – 3, 4 and 8 times table - Spring 1pdf
- Year 3 Maths LS17 – Division and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8 times tables - Spring 1pdf
- Year 3 Maths LS18 - Multiplication Strategies - Spring 1pdf
- Year 3 Maths LS19 - Statistics - Spring 1pdf
- Year 3 Maths LS20 - Multiplication Strategies 1 - Spring 1pdf
- Year 3 Maths LS21 - Fractions of Amounts - Spring 1pdf
- Year 3 Maths LS22 - Compare and Order Fractions - Spring 2pdf
- Year 3 Maths LS23 - Add and Subtract Fractions - Spring 2pdf
- Year 3 Maths LS24 - Fractions Problem Solving - Spring 2pdf
- Year 3 Maths LS25 - Multiplying Multiples of 10 - Spring 2pdf
- Year 3 Maths LS26 - Formal Written Multiplication - Spring 2pdf
- Year 3 Maths LS27 - Division Problem Solving - Sharing Grouping - Summer 1pdf
- Year 3 Maths LS28 - Division - Two and Three-Digit Numbers by One-Digit Numbers including Halving - Summer 1pdf
- Year 3 Maths LS29 - Scaling problems - Summer 1pdf
- Year 3 Maths LS30 Division - Long Division - Summer 1pdf
- Year 3 Maths LS31 - Time, Hours, Days, Weeks, Years - Summer 1pdf
- Year 3 Maths LS32 - Telling the Time Analogue and Digital - Summer 1pdf
- Year 3 Maths LS33 - Time Duration - Summer 1pdf
- Year 3 Maths LS34 - Securing the Four Operations with Whole Number including Problem Solving - Summer 1pdf
- Year 3 Maths LS34 - Securing the Four Operations with Whole Number including Problem Solving - Summer 2pdf
- Year 3 Maths LS35 - Place Value and Decimals - Ten Times Greater and Ten Times Smaller - Summer 2pdf
- Year 3 Maths LS37 - Place Value and Decimals - Estimation, Comparing and Rounding - Summer 2pdf
- Year 3 Maths LS38 - Measures - Measuring and Problem Solving - Summer 2pdf