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ECO Committee


ECO Committee Assembly

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November 2023

  • ECO Schools Green Flag Award

    Published 21/11/23


    I’m delighted to confirm we have achieved our ECO Schools Green Flag Award! Our application was considered over the Summer Holidays and we received some glowing feedback – thank you to everyone who has been involved in the process. This is a whole school achievement and we are really grateful to every member of our School Community who helps to make Almond Hill a more environmental-friendly school. I would also like to say a special thank you to all of the past and present members of the ECO Committee for all their hard work and enthusiasm. There will be lots of new activities this year and keep an eye out for out Green Flag when it arrives.

    Once again, a massive thank you to all of you and remember, even ‘One Little Thing’ makes a difference.

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  • ECO Trip - New Community Woodland at Fairlands Park

    Published 13/11/23

    On Friday 10th November work on the new community woodland was completed and officially named “Fairlane Wood”. Although all the past and present members were not able to join due to limited places, we were able to take some of the ECO Committee members to re-visit the trees that they planted and take part in various nature-themed activities. We learnt more about the trees in the existing woodland – did you know there is actually a moat in the woodland! We also collected some seeds and then were lucky enough to interact with some amazing birds of prey! Here are a few photos from the event and look out for our upcoming ECO Committee Autumn Newsletter where we will tell you more about our trip.

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November 2023