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Our Governors

Welcome to Almond Hill!
Hello and a big welcome to Almond Hill! As Chair of Governors, I’m delighted to be part of such a fantastic school community, where children are encouraged to learn, grow, and thrive in a safe and supportive environment.

Our governing body works closely with the Head Teacher and staff to ensure every child gets the best possible education and experiences during their time here. We help shape the school’s direction, support its development, and make sure the voices of parents, carers, and the wider community are heard.

We’re always keen to hear from families, so if you ever have any questions, ideas, or just want to find out more about what we do, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via 

Claire Lanni
Chair of Governors

The Role of the Governing Body

Our governing body is made up of appointed, elected and co-opted governors who work together to support the school’s success. While the Head Teacher manages the day-to-day running of the school, governors play a key role in ensuring everything runs smoothly and effectively.

What do Governors do?

Governors are responsible for:

  • Ensuring safeguarding procedures meet statutory requirements to keep pupils and staff safe
  • Setting the school’s aims and policies
  • Supporting and overseeing curriculum development
  • Monitoring pupil progress and achievement
  • Providing both support and challenge to school leaders
  • Helping to allocate and monitor the school’s budget to ensure best value
  • Looking after the condition of the school buildings and facilities
  • Appointing new staff, including the Head Teacher and Deputy Head

Connecting School, Parents, and the Community

Governors act as a bridge between the school, parents and the wider community, helping to foster strong partnerships. The governing body meets formally each term and works closely with the Head Teacher and staff to stay informed about the school’s progress. Regular committee meetings and visits ensure governors are up to date on key areas like curriculum policy, school development, standards, special educational needs, staffing, and finance. Health and safety checks are also carried out regularly.

Alongside planned meetings, governors make informal visits during the school day to engage with staff and students.

How to get Involved?

Governors are elected for a four-year term, and any parent or guardian of a child at Almond Hill can stand for election. If you’re interested in getting involved, keep an eye out for details from the Head Teacher – we’d love to hear from you!

Meet Our Governors 

Photo of Claire Lanni

Hi my name is Claire and I am a mum to three children, 8, 11 and 14. My eldest finished at Almond Hill in 2022 and I currently have a son in Year 4 and a daughter in Year 6. I have been a school governor at Almond Hill since October 2020 and have more recently taken on the role of Chair. I currently work full time at a local secondary school. I have a keen interest in children’s education and hope by being an active member of the governing body I can further enhance the education for those children at Almond Hill.
Claire Lanni - Chair

I have been a primary school governor for the past 4 years in a local Stevenage school. Both of my children were in primary school at the time. I felt that I wanted to contribute to the community and get a better understanding of the education sector. I have since become a School Business Manager in a pupil referral unit where I also sit on the governing board. I believe that the knowledge and experience gained both within my professional and governing roles will help me to support Almond Hill and their community. I very much look forward to the challenges ahead. 
Heidi Nash - Co Opt Governor

Having been the Deputy Headteacher at the school for 15 years, I am delighted to now hold the post of Headteacher.  I have worked in several other schools both in Hertfordshire and beyond and was also a governor in my last post. I am committed to education as the vehicle through which all children can make positive choices about their own lives. Being on the governing body enables me to share this passion with others who are also determined about providing the best education to meet the needs of all our children. We are always interested in engaging new and different governors to help us achieve this aim. 
Emma Fordham - Staff Governor (Headteacher)

I have worked at Almond Hill for 21 years working both in the classroom as a teaching assistant and in the office. I have been the school business manager for the past 6 years. My background prior to working in school was as a legal secretary. I have a long-standing knowledge of the school having been a pupil here myself and both of my daughters attended the school. I am responsible for day to day management of the school office and the financial management of the school. I was the clerk to the governing body for 10 years and have been a governor for the past 13 years.
Diane Cawthorn - Associate (School Business Manager)

I have worked in finance in the Education sector for the past 17 years. I am currently a Specialist Finance Business Partner at HfL Education. I support many schools with setting their annual budget, followed by monitoring their accounts throughout the year to provide a full understanding of their financial position. I have 2 sons that have both attended Almond Hill in previous years. I really enjoy supporting the school to ensure students are happy in their environment, whilst also challenging the school to makes sure they are providing the best education possible. This year, as well as being part of the full governing board, I am the SEND governor, on the Finance and Personnel committee and part of the Safeguarding working party.  Debbie Furness - Co-Opt Governor

I have been a governor at Almond Hill since September 2021.  I have a son in year 6.  I have worked in various roles within finance for many years and now work as a freelance bookkeeper and accountancy tutor.  I decided to become a governor as primary education is a sector, I knew very little about and I wanted to learn more, and I am still learning!  I’ve found the role of governor to be a rewarding one and have enjoyed being involved within the school itself.  Although my speciality is finance, I’ve had the opportunity to be involved with other key areas too.  I look forward to continuing to support Almond Hill.
Lisa Leonard - Co-opt Governor


I have been a teacher for over 7 years and have spent 4 of those at Almond Hill, having taught in London previously. I'm interested in school improvement especially curriculum development and I enjoy reading about this in my spare time as well as reading children's books and baking. I'm currently in charge of PSHE, RE and school council at Almond Hill and I am excited to join the governors to further help improve our school for the children that attend it. 
Lydia Andrews - Co-opt

I am a medical writer and educator and have over twenty years of experience in life sciences in academia and industry. I am deeply interested in working with the school towards the goal of improving outcomes and developing both character skills and knowledge in our students. My aim is to assist the school and the governors on the school improvement plan, with a focus on writing and comprehension skills because this is where I can offer my best to our children and teachers and because I think comprehension and communication are critical skills for our children’s future. I am honoured to be a part of this team and looking forward to working together.
Kanwal Rizvi - Parent

I joined the Governing Board at Almond Hill in the Spring of 2024, having previously been a governor at Letchmore Road Infant and Nursery School. I currently have two children at Almond Hill, and joined the governing board as I want to contribute some of my ‘spare’ time back to the local community. I’m an Aerospace Engineer and have worked and lived in the local area for several years. I’m passionate about all of the STEM subjects and most sports, so I’m a big fan of the school’s trips to both the National Space Centre and to Grafham Water outdoor activity centre. As a governor I continue to be impressed by all of the hard work that the school staff put in behind the scenes, and by the levels of care and enthusiasm they put into our children’s education.
Ian Panton - Parent

I'm a mum and my son is currently a pupil in Almond Hill.  My parental experience over recent years has driven me to become further interested in aspects of education, having recently completed a certificate in Principles of Special Educational Needs.  Having worked many years in the corporate environment, I am keen to bring some of my professional experience and education to good use in a different environment.  I am excited to challenge myself in a different way and welcome the opportunity to contribute further to the success at Almond Hill, having been impressed by the leadership team and the effort that is put in to continually improving the children's environment and education.
Clare Chapman - Co-opt

Awaiting bio information.

Lawrence Guevara Ramdass - Parent


Terms of Office

Term of Office
Diane Cawthorn   Associate 31/10/24 - 29/10/28
Emma Fordham Headteacher Staff 01/01/21
31/10/16 - 30/10/20 (in Deputy Head role)
Deborah Furness   Co-opt 28/01/23 - 27/01/27
Claire Lanni Chair Parent  18/10/24 - 17/10/28
Lisa Leonard    Co-opt 08/12/21 - 07/12/25
Heidi Nash Vice Chair Co-opt 03/07/22 - 02/07/26
Kanwal Rizvi   Parent 19/09/23 - 18/09/27
Ian Panton   Parent 15/05/24 - 14/05/28
Lawrence Guevara Ramdass   Parent 09/07/24 - 08/07/28
Clare Chapman   Co-opt 03/12/24 - 02/12/27
Lydia Andrews   Staff 27/01/24 - 26/01/27

Governors who previously server

Stephen Fuller                   Co- Chair                          Co-opt            20/05/21 - 24/09/2024         

Instrument of Government

  Instrument of Government Governors in Post
Staff Governors 2 1
LEA 1 0
Parent  2 4
Co-opt 7 5
Associates No limit is skills are needed by the governing body 1
Total  12 11

Vacancies: Co-opted and Parent Governors

Copies of full governing body minutes are available from the Almond Hill Junior School office.  Attendance at governing body meetings is minuted in these documents.

Governors are appointed following a meeting with the Headteacher and Chair of Governors.  Recommendation is then made to the full governing body and a request for them to approve the appointment.

Governor Committees and Link Roles 

Finance and Personnel Committee

  • Heidi Nash (chair)
  • Diane Cawthorn*
  • Debbie Furness
  • Lisa Leonard
  • Claire Lanni

*Associates do not have voting rights on committees to which they have been appointed.


  • Claire Lanni
  • Debbie Furness
  • Lawrence Guevara Ramdass
  • Diane Cawthorn

Link Governor Roles

  • Child protection - Claire Lanni
  • Safeguarding - Claire Lanni
  • Child looked after - Claire Lanni
  • Pupil Premium - Claire Lanni
  • SEND - Debbie Furness and Lisa Leonard (Shahnaz Birchall)
  • Premises and Health and Safety - Heidi Nash (Lee Browne)
  • PE - Ian Panton
  • Online Safety - Lisa Leonard
  • Transition - Ian Panton
  • Wellbeing - Debbie Furness 

Attendance at Meetings

Attendance record at governing body and committee meetings this academic year:

Date Meeting  Deborah Furness Diane Cawthorn Emma Fordham  Heidi Nash  Claire Lanni Lisa Leonard Lydia Andrews Kanwal Rizvi Ian Panton Lawrence Guevara Ramdass Clare Chapman
24.09.24 FGB Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y  
15.10.24 Finance Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N  
11.11.24 Safeguarding Y Y Y N Y N N N N Y  
03.12.24 FGB Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Attendance record at governing body and committee meetings last academic year

Date Meeting  Deborah Furness Diane Cawthorn Emma Fordham  Heidi Nash  Louise Barham  Claire Lanni Stephen Fuller  Lisa Leonard Lydia Andrews Kanwal Rizvi Lawrence Guevara Ramdass
19.09.23 FGB Y Y Y Y MAT Y Y Y Y Y  
13.11.23 Safeguarding Y Y Y N N N Y N N N  
14.12.23 FGB Y N Y N N Y Y Y Y Y  
06.02.24 Finance  N Y Y Y NA NA NA Y NA NA  
26.02.24 Safeguarding Y Y Y NA NA NA Y NA NA NA  
05.03.24 Finance  N Y Y Y NA NA NA Y NA NA  
19.03.24 FGB Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y N  
07.05.24 Finance  Y Y Y Y   N NA N N N  
15.05.24 FGB Y Y Y N   Y N Y Y N  
09.07.24 FGB Y Y Y N   Y Y Y Y Y Y


Governor Declarations 

Relevant business and financial interests including governance roles in other educational institutions and any material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives).

Diane Cawthorn
  • Partner in A&D Framing
  • Family member owns local print design company 
Debbie Furness
  • Works for Herts for Learning
Claire Lanni
  • Works for Herts for Learning