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Issue 31 - 24th May 2024

Dear Families,

I hope you are looking forward to a lovely half term break with your families. When we return, we will embark on the final stretch of this academic year! We still have lots of events planned including some much anticipated school trips, graduations and sports days!

Enjoy the break (and hopefully the sunshine) and we will see you all when we return on Monday 3rd June.

Emma Fordham

Key Messages

Parent Forum and Volunteers

I would like to thank the parents who attended the parents' forum hosted by Miss Simmons this week. This is a really good opportunity to discuss issues that matter to you and has resulted in some really good partnership work resulting in changes to the newsletter, increased accessibility to Bikeability and the return to World Book Day dressing up to name but a few!  Children thrive best when school and home work together.

As a direct result of feedback from our parent forum meeting, we are holding a meeting for Year 5 parents to share information about Grafham (you will find more information on this further down).

We hosted a SEND/Pastoral afternoon tea earlier in the term but unlike previous events, the turnout was extremely low. Again, this is the chance for parents to come and talk about all things SEND and pastoral and the team are there to talk to. We had planned another coffee morning after drop off after half term but would like to know from parents if these chances to meet with the team are useful and wanted to ask what the barriers are to attending. Please comment below to let us know if you would like to discuss SEND and pastoral and what the barriers are to coming to the planned events. If we know what they are, we can try and work around them. The form will close on Thursday 6th June.

I would also like to thank our parent volunteers that are regularly coming in now. It is great to see this slowly increase again after Covid and we are really pleased to have the help! If you have a few hours that you think you could offer to come and help in school, we would be most grateful. Please let us know via the admin email address -

Sponsored Read

I am sure children have been telling you all about the wonderful new books that have landed in our class libraries over the last couple of weeks. Our Year 6 HTAs have been working very hard getting these labelled and distributed. We still have some books left to arrive which will be delivered after half term. This week in assembly, children were presented with their certificates of participation and our winners were announced…

Lower School Winner – Idris in Year 3

Upper School Winner –Ahyan in Year 5

Both winners selected a book of their choice as a prize. Happy reading!


Singing Assembly

Unfortunately, we had lots of no shows this week at our upper school singing assembly – more than half of parents who had booked did not attend. This is a real shame and disappointing for the parents who wanted to come but were unable to due to lack of spaces. The office team have received lots of emails and queries about the sing-a-longs and I would like to remind parents that this has been advertised and spoken about on the newsletter weekly since 19th April. We have also had lots of last minute emails to change/swap/cancel/check bookings. Some of which are not sent until the morning of the assembly. As I am sure you can appreciate, in the morning, the office team are busy ensuring all children have arrived and checking on dinners and may miss last minute emails. Please check your payment history on School Gateway to check if you have a space booked. If you do and you can no longer come, please let us know. If you do not have a space booked but would like to come, you may come along on the morning of the assembly and we will of course let you in if there are ‘no shows’ (we really don’t want any empty seats!) but we cannot guarantee this will be the case.

Year 3 Collection/Drop off

A parent has mentioned that it is often difficult to safely manoeuvre around the Year 3 classrooms during drop off and collection due to parents congregating on the steps. Please can I ask parents to not wait on the steps for children and keep this clear for families coming in/leaving site.

Key Dates Half Term  

Class Photos – Wednesday 5th June

On Wednesday 5th June, our photographers will be in school taking class photos. Please send children into school in full uniform (including red school jumper) in the morning. If children are due to have PE, they will need to bring their PE kit to change into for their lesson.

Sports Day – Thursday 6th and Friday 7th June

We are looking forward to welcoming parents to our sports days after half term. This year’s sports days will take place in the morning from 9.00am-11.00am.  Parents should make their way to the school field after drop off.

School will be selling light refreshments and baseball caps so please bring cash with you. There will also be the opportunity to purchase pre-loved books and school uniform. These will be available at the end of sports day too so please take the time to look around and grab a bargain!

Therapeutic Thinking Workshops – Tuesday 11th June - 2.00pm and 6.00pm

Mrs Burgess, our Pastoral Lead, will be running workshops for parents on Therapeutic Thinking. This is an opportunity for parents to gain an insight into the school's behaviour management approach and how we consider what a child's behaviour might be trying to tell us.  She will be hosting 2 sessions. The first will take place in the hall at 2.00pm and will last approximately 1 hour. The second will take place online (via Microsoft Teams) at 6.00pm. We hope to see as many parents there as possible.

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 329 620 471 472

Passcode: BSwoGb

Online Safety Day – Wednesday 19th June

Parents may remember the wonderful ‘Parenting in the Digital World’ workshop we offered in February. The feedback from the parents who were able to attend was overwhelmingly positive. I too found the session invaluable which is why I am really pleased to tell you that Richard will be visiting our school on Wednesday 19th June to work with the children. He will be delivering 2 sessions (one for the lower school and one for the upper school) on this day. If you would like more information on the Stay Safe Initiative and what they do, please visit their website below:

Year 5 Parent Meeting – Grafham Water Trip - Wednesday 3rd July at 6pm

Parent view from our parent forum meetings suggest that Year 5 parents would like more information about Grafham before starting Year 6. With this in mind, Miss Simmons will be holding a Grafham information meeting for Year 5 parents on Wednesday 3rd July at 6pm. Here you will have the opportunity to find out more about the trip and ask any questions you may have. Year 5 children are welcome to attend with parents/carers.

To gather an idea on numbers, please let us know if you will be coming by submitting the form below:

Graduation Events

The year 6 team are busy organising the graduation events for July. Tickets will be given to children after half term. Please remember, we can only allow 3 guests per child. This brings us to our limit in the hall for fire safety.

A reminder of the dates:

Monday 15th July - 6S  
Tuesday 16th July – 6B  
Wednesday 17th July - 6C

2.00-4.00pm in the school hall. 

End of Term  - Monday 22nd July

The summer term finishes on Monday 22nd July. Please note, as always, there will be a cold option only for lunch on this day.  We understand that Letchmore do not finish until Tuesday 23rd July. Where we can, Letchmore and Almond Hill have the same term dates and INSET days but we are separate schools with different commitments so sometimes, differences can’t be avoided. However, I do not want to put unnecessary pressure on families with children in both schools so we will finish early as planned on Monday (12.30pm) but for those parents who really need it, school will remain open until 3.15pm. Children will be invited to watch a film in the hall and will be supervised by support staff. This will be the last day of junior school for Year 6 and their early finish is a rite of passage that we do not want to take away.


Diary Dates

Uniform Sale 

Our next uniform sales are: 
Wednesday 5th June
Wednesday 3rd July

The sale takes place from 3.00pm in the ha

Book Sale

Our next book sales are: 
Wednesday 26th June
Wednesday 17th  July

The sale takes place during the school day and books cost just 50p!

Almond Hill Achievements 

Click the button below to see all the wonderful things our children have achieved outside of school. 

Attendance Matters

Year 3 - 92.07%
Year 4 - 96.38%
Year 5 - 96.74%
Year 6 - 95.44%
All Students - 95.13%
Class Winners - 6C - 99.2%

Club End Dates

Club Year group Day End
3/4 Football 3, 4 Monday Half termly
Gardening 5 Monday 24th June
Rounders 6 Monday 24th June
Reading Fluency Booster 4 Monday 15th July
Reading Fluency Booster 5 Monday 15th July
5/6 Football 5, 6 Tuesday Half termly
Rounders 3 Tuesday 25th June
Street Dance All Wednesday  FINISHED
Stop Motion 4 Wednesday 26th June
Rounders 4 Thursday 27th June
Musical Theatre All Friday  FINISHES TODAY
Rounders 5 Friday 28th June
Mad Science All Friday 28th June

House Points


With the hot weather coming, don’t forget FOAH sell baseball hats with the ‘Aim High’ motto on. The caps are £8 each. Please place your orders via School Gateway and we will send them home with your children.

Father’s Day Present Room – Friday 14th June

Please, if you have some time to spare, consider helping out at FOAH. You do not need to commit to all events and meetings. It would be great to have a group of parents who the team can call on for events and time could be shared amongst that group. The FOAH work hard to raise funds to provide wonderful events and resources for our children including the yearbook and hoodies for Year 6 and the jungle gym on our school playground. Please email for more information. They are a really friendly group of parents who would love to hear from you! Currently, we are not able to offer additional events due to shortage of help.

In Other News...

Football Update

Football Update What a week for the Y6 football team. On Monday, we visited Bedwell to play our last league game of the season. We were 4th in the table and as the league stood, we had to win against Bedwell to remain in 4th (Bedwell had a game in hand and if we lost against them they would have pushed us out of 4th to 5th) but thankfully, the te…

Year 6 Ultimate Frisbee

Year 6 Ultimate Frisbee Year 6 came 3rd out of 7 teams at the recent Ultimate Frisbee event and all received a bronze medal which they were over the moon about! They all showed great communication and sportsmanship whilst playing the games. Well done!

Netball Camp

England Netball’s official Netball Youth Camps provide netballers the opportunity to take to the courts during the school holidays for a nothing but netball experience. With top quality coaching, fun games and match play, it’s the ultimate day for junior netball lovers or wanting to give netball a try for the first time! 

This FREE Netball Youth Camp is on Tuesday 28th May at 10am to 3pm, at Bedwell Primary School, Bedwell Crescent, Stevenage, SG1 1NJ. 

Children will need to bring a packed lunch with them for the camp! 

 To sign up, fill out the online form. 

Packed full of top quality coaching, a range of match play opportunities and tonnes of brand new games, activities and team-building sessions they are the perfect boredom-busting holiday activity.

 To sign up please click on the link below and fill out the form.

 Any questions, please contact Sally Whittle at