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May 2024

Teddy and his football entered the Lamex Cup U11 Tournament at Stevenage FC on Saturday and won! Teddy also won the Goalkeeper of the Tournament too and received a trophy, certificate and a pair of gloves. We are so very proud of him and his team! What a great achievement Teddy. Well done!




Annabel is very proud to have achieved level 6 in her gymnastics class on Friday evening and can’t wait to start work on the next level. 

Emelia-Rose in Year 5 performed amazingly on Friday night alongside stars of Technicoloured Dream Coats at the Gordon Craig theatre. 

On Saturday, Keiyan’s football team, Hertford Stags, reached the cup final against Shephall United and won with a fantastic result of 4-2! Congratulations! 

Fiorella celebrated her first Holy Communion at St Hilda’s church at the weekend. Congratulations, Fiorella.