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The bake sale raised over £200 for Cancer Research UK and The Garden House Hospice!

The school government were treated to a visit from a representative of Letchworth Garden House Hospice on Tuesday afternoon in recognition of their great work raising money for both this charity and 

Cancer Research with the bake sales last half term so well supported by our school community. Each member received a certificate to acknowledge their contribution and all were excited to see a huge cheque in person. Actually, only Mrs Fordham was excited about this - one of the children commented they had never seen a cheque in person nevermind a huge one - sign of the times and Mrs Fordham's age perhaps! 


Our School Government wrote a letter to Cancer Research to tell them about their fundraising! 

During week commencing 12th February, our school government will be holding their second event – a bake sale! Please help to support them by bringing shop bought, pre packed cakes into school next week ready to sell at break times the following week. Please ensure these do not contain nuts (like cherry bakewells for example). The children would like to raise money for The Garden House Hospice and Cancer Research UK. Each year group will have the opportunity to buy cakes starting with Year 3 on Monday 12th February. Any cakes left over will be sold to all children on Friday 16th February. Please have a look at the wonderful flyer our Prime Minister, Willow made for more information.