To be completed by the parent/adult responsible for a child/young person.
Your Child's Details
Free School Meals
You may already be aware that the Government programme that entitles children in the infant phase to a free school meal each day will no longer apply once your child is in junior school.
If you receive a government benefit, such as Income Support or Jobseeker’s Allowance, your child may still qualify for a free school meal. You can find information about eligibility criteria online at You will need to apply for this once your child has left Infants in the summer and before they start at Almond Hill in September. If you need any more information about this, please contact us.
Please be aware that unless we have evidence of free school meal entitlement, lunches will be chargeable and must be paid for in advance.
Emergency Contact Information
We require 2 emergency contacts as a minimum and would normally expect those with parental responsibility (i.e mum and dad). If you are supplying contact details other than parent/carer you confirm they have given permission for their details to be shared.
Main Contact Details (we will call this person first in an emergency)
Alternative Contact Details
Additional Contact Details
Medical Information
If your child has a medical condition that requires treatment in school and/or an EpiPen, please contact the school office.
Request for child to carry his/her own inhaler
This should be completed if your child requires an inhaler for asthma. Medication must be in the original container as dispensed by the pharmacy.
Dietary Information
If your child has a food allergy or intolerance you must inform the school so we can update our records. If your child has an allergy that requires them to have a special menu then you need to apply via the HCL website. We are unable to provide a school dinner until this has been done. We advise you to apply for the special menu even if you intend on providing a home packed lunch as you will not be able to order a school dinner at all, including Christmas dinner, if the special menu is not in place.
To apply, simply go to
Parental Consent
Local visits include (for example) local sporting events, workshops at other local schools and field trips in the local community and Old Town area & hereby give my consent for my child to participate in such visits. I also understand that my child may leave the school premises at other times when I will be informed separately by email and when further consent will be required from me.
Seesaw is a parental engagement app which allows your children to share what they have been learning with you.
TTRockstars is an online tool that we use in school (and at home) to practise times tables.
Other than our weekly newsletter, Almond Hill would like to keep you updated with relevant information and events via email, letter, or telephone. This can include flyers or information from external organisations.
Almond Hill does not endorse any of the information sent.
Image Consent
Please ensure you have read the image consent terms of use.
Twice a year, we have an external photographer in school to take class and individual photos of the children. The class proofs are shared with all parents.
Occasionally, we may ask for your consent for specific purposes as in our experience, sometimes children (and parents) are disappointed when they have not given consent and as a result, their child has not been included.
Online Safety Acceptable Use Agreement Primary Pupils
Please read the online safety rules carefully and share with your child.
School Dog
Parental Agreement